Chapter 6

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Ashpaw awakened to kestrel's chirping and the buzz of bumblebees. The soft river in the background of the chatter of cats and the warm kiss of the sun on his fur made his morning quite enjoyable. He rolled over in his nest to find that he was the first apprentice awake this morning. Bluepaw and Brokenpaw were still fast asleep. Moonpaw was also asleep on the other side of the den. He smiled softly and stretched his back, arching it it yawning. Ashpaw padded outside to the milling clan.

"Ah there you are Ashpaw." Cinderfoot meowed as she started organizing patrols. "Why don't you wake up Moonpaw and I'll get Jayscratch? We can take you two out to learn some battle moves." The ash colored she cat suggested.

"Actually Ashpaw, wake up Bluepaw as well." Riverwhisker padded over from the warriors den. "We can come with you guys."

"Ok. Sure thing!" Ashpaw turned from the group of warriors and back into the apprentices den where he had just come from. When he entered, Moonpaw was already awake. "Hey Moonpaw. Cinderfoot wants to take you and a couple other cats out to learn some battle moves."

Moonpaw nodded. "Oh ok. It's Ashpaw right?" He tilted his head as he tried to remember everyone's names.

Ashpaw smiled into his cerulean eyes. "Yeah. My name is Ashpaw. The grey medicine cat that helped you yesterday. That's my sister Rainpaw."

Moonpaw flicked his grey and white tail. He looked like a cross between Rainkit and Ashkit. "Oh cool. So did you have a choice whether or not you wanted to be a medicine cat or a warrior?"

"Sure did. Every cat has their own choice on what they want to be. Most cats become warriors but every so often a cat wants to become a healer so they train to be a medicine cat." Ashpaw taught Moonpaw, almost feeling like a mentor as he taught the tom about clan life.

"Most cats also want to sleep but that doesn't get to happen." Bluepaw opened one eye angrily.

Ashpaw twitched his whiskers. "You have to get up anyway sleepyhead. You're coming with us to learn battle moves."

Bluepaw rolled over and hopped onto all four paws. She yawned. "Yay me." She mumbled sarcastically.

"Oh come on you get to be with the best apprentice in the whole clan. Me." Ashpaw flicked his tail before bounding out of the den and into the bright sunlight. 

Ashpaw ran next to his mentor Jayscratch  and waited for Bluepaw and Moonpaw. Cinderfoot and Riverwhisker were there as well, patiently waiting for their apprentices.

"Ready to go?" Cinderfoot waved her grey tail as the other two apprentices came running over.

"Yeah I'm ready." Bluepaw purred, her early morning grumpiness fading as she reached the ivy tendril entrance of camp.

Ashpaw rolled his eyes. "2 minutes ago you wanted to sleep!"

"2 minutes ago I wanted to claw you and I still do." She smirked.

"Oh pipe down you two. It's too early for antics." Riverwhisker yawned.

Moonpaw silently watched, feeling a bit anxious as his first day as an apprentice.

"Moonpaw, ready for your first day out as an apprentice?" Cinderpelt asked her apprentice.

He nodded quietly, his heart pounding against his chest. His silver eyes flickered and he found himself gazing at the ground.

Ashpaw looked at him, then at Bluepaw who shrugged.

"Alrighty, let's head out and in-" Jayscratch began.

"Wait!!" Flowerwhisker and Rainpaw came running up. Flowerwhisker was panting as she struggled to catch her breath. "Can you... take... Rainpaw... with you...?" The golden she tabby panted.

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