Chapter 14

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Rainpaw awoke to shouting outside of the medicine den. She quickly shook out her pelt and ran outside to see what all the hustle and bustle was about.

"HELP! FLAMESTAR! CINDERFOOT! ANYONE!" Bluepaw came running through the camp entrance. Rainpaw was instantly filled with relief that Bluepaw was home, that must mean that Ashpaw was home too!!

Flamestar came running out of his den beneath the Hightree. He shook out his fiery red fur. "Yes Bluepaw? Ah welcome home."

"FLAMESTAR HELP!" She ran over to him.

Rainpaw tilted her head, wondering what could possible be wrong.

"What's the matter dear?" Flamestar softened his voice, noting the terror reflecting in the blue apprentice's eyes.

Rainpaw could hardly believe her ears when she heard what Bluepaw said.

"ASHPAW HAS BEEN CAPTURED BY TWOLEGS." Bluepaw howled at the sky.

Then the world closed in on Rainpaw, her vision ran black, her legs gave out, and she collapsed into the dirt.


"Rainpaw?" Flowerwhisker's soft voice echoed through the grey apprentice's ears. Rainpaw lifted her head to find herself in her nest. Suddenly everything came crashing back into her memories and she jumped up.

"Ashpaw..." She sprinted out of the medicine den and tore across camp, trying to run out and after her stolen brother. Until she was cut off by a tan and brown furred tom cat who tackled her into the dirt. "CREEKTAIL LET ME GO!" She howled.

The brown warrior sighed and easily put a paw on her chest, keeping her down on the ground. "Rainpaw you can't go after him."

"WHY NOT? HE'S MY ONLY LIVING FAMILY!" She hissed, trying to scratch him with her claws but couldn't reach his muzzle. Creektail frowned at this but didn't say anything.

"Rainpaw please put away your claws." Flamestar padded up to the two cats and sat down.

"Let me go find my brother." Rainpaw hissed.

"No." Flamestar meowed simply. "It's much too dangerous."

"EXACTLY! THATS WHY HE NEEDS ME!" She snarled, trying to squirm out of Creektail's grasp.

"Rainpaw, Ashpaw was taken by Twolegs and quite honestly we have idea where he could be. If he can, he will find his way back but until then, we must continue on." Cinderfoot appeared beside her, Creektail, and Flamestar.

"SO WE'RE JUST GONNA MOVE ON LIKE HE DIDN'T EVEN EXIST?!" Rainpaw hissed, managing to cut Creektail with her claws. He jumped back but kept his paws on her.

"We are going to let Starclan lead him home. We cannot risk losing any more warriors to Twolegs." Flamestar corrected the young medicine cat. "And we do not attack clan mates." He frowned, looking at the scratch on Creektail's muzzle.

"FOR STARCLAN'S SAKE! He TACKELED me!!" Rainpaw scoffed, managing to squirm out from under the brown warrior's paws. "But fine. Let Ashpaw die just like you all did to my parents." She hissed and ran into the medicine den, leaving everyone behind her with a stone in their heart, particularly Flamestar who murdered her mother many many moons ago.


(I know this chapter is rather short but I've been updating a lot recently so hopefully that'll make up for it!!)

~ C I N D E R ~

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