Chapter 24

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"Sootkit, Cloudkit, and Lilackit. Today is a day you are going to remember for the rest of your lives. Please come forward for your apprentice ceremony." Flamestar's authoritative meow rang throughout the clearing.

It was getting colder outside, Rainpaw could feel it deep in her bones. She sounded like an old she cat grumbling about the weather. It had been a moon since Flowerwhisker was killed and Ashpaw had been taken from her. She had been training with Cloudwhisker and Nightpaw, the medicine cats from Rockclan, during sunrise and sunhigh. Sometimes Flowerwhisker would visit her in dreams, but not enough to learn and continue her apprenticeship under the fallen warrior. Rainpaw made her way outside of the medicine den and padded out to the surrounding cats. A few titled their heads as she walked outside. Eyes pricked at her fur and she felt the stares like a thorn in her flank. Ever since the death of Flowerwhisker and the capturing of Ashpaw, Rainpaw distanced herself from then clan. She couldn't afford to lose anyone else she loved. Especially Moonpaw. She thought to herself before shaking out her fur.

The three kits bounded forward with Sootkit leading the trio. Rainpaw smiled to herself a little as she watched the grey kit hobble up HighTree and sit beside Flamestar, his siblings beside him. Cinderfoot stood below the tree, admiration in her soft eyes.

"Cloudkit. It is time for you to become an apprentice. From this day forward until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Cloudpaw." The fiery leader gazed around the camp before landing his gaze on a she cat that looked quite similar to Ashpaw. "Snowshine. You will mentor to Cloudpaw and teach him our ways."

Jayscratch's mate. Rainpaw thought. It was rather funny she thought, that after Jayscratch's apprentice was taken away, his mate got a new one.

"Lilackit. Until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Lilacpaw." He turned to the rest of the clan. "Creektail. Although you are our clan's newest warrior, I believe it is time for you to have your first apprentice."

The brown molten warrior beamed with pride as he went to touch noses with his new apprentice. Both of their purrs could be heard ringing through the camp.

Flamestar to the final kit, Sootkit. The deep grey kit stood with his head high and eyes full of ambition. He was ready. Flamestar seemed to take this in as well and his eyes held a glimmer of amusement as he looked down at the little tom in front of him.

"Sootkit. From now until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Sootpaw. Now, it took me a very long time to decide on who your mentor should be."

At this comment, the rest of the clan pricked their ears, each warrior wanting to be Flamestar's final choice.

"I have decided after much thinking, that I myself will be your mentor." Flamestar looked down at Sootpaw and touched his nose to the new apprentice's. Sootkit's eyes seemed to light up with even more pride and his tail waved in joy. He caught Rainpaw's eyes and mouthed Flamestar!!

Rainpaw gave him a nod of approval and smiled, despite how she knew the truth about Flamestar. This whole clan looked up to a murderer and Sootpaw was a perfect example of the innocence the clan had in its heart. Flamestar caught her gaze and Rainpaw forced herself to stand taller, giving the leader a warm smile. She padded towards the medicine den as the meeting broke up and cats began to split up, the new apprentices wandering around for their first time. Flamestar hopped down from HighTree and told Sootpaw to wait for him; the fiery leader started padding over towards the medicine den after Rainpaw.

"Rainpaw." The blazing tom called out and she jumped, slightly startled and turned around.

"Oh hi Flamestar." Rainpaw dipped her muzzle in deep respect.

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