Chapter 7

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"Moonpaw?" She said softly, her voice hardly above a whisper as the grey and white flecked tom padded out of the line of trees and in front of her.

"Rainpaw." He meowed back, his voice almost sounding just like hers. He took a few paw steps forward until they were about a tail length apart. "Are you ok?" His eyes held Silverpelt within his irises and if Rainpaw blinked, perhaps should could drown in them.

The grey she cat shook her head sadly. Her voice cracked as she choked out. "I just couldn't handle all the fighting back there and everyone was just so... intense... and it was just too much for me to handle. I couldn't breathe I couldn't see. My whole body was numb it was like-"  She stopped suddenly as Moonpaw gently grazed his muzzle against hers.

"It'll be ok." He whispered in her ear before taking a step back.

Her heart pounded against her chest so hard she was sure that even the cats in Rockclan could hear it. "I'm not sure it will..." She said so softly that even Moonpaw couldn't hear it. Love was forbidden for medicine cats, Rainpaw knew that. She peered into his silvery eyes to find him staring into her own cerulean ones.

"You're eyes are captivating." They both meowed at the same exact time, causing Rainpaw to laugh softly.

"It's like your eyes hold all of Silverpelt. All of the stars are right... there.." She breathed, taking a pawstep closer to him.

"If my eyes hold the stars, yours hold the sky." Moonpaw softly whispered.

Suddenly Rainpaw felt happier than she ever had in her entire life. Her heart swelled up with joy and it as if nothing else mattered in the entire world. Her and Moonpaw were the only existing things that mattered. This moment. She was living in this moment.

Suddenly the trees rustled causing Moonpaw and Rainpaw to jump apart from each other faster than lightning. Rainpaw completely lost her balance and went sprawling onto the ground. She shook out her pelt to find Ashpaw and Bluepaw running towards them.

"Hey! Moonpaw you found her! Rainpaw are you ok?" Ashpaw ran down towards the bank, his sharp eyes filled with worry.

She nodded and gave him a small smile. "I'm alright."

He gave her a look that said it doesn't seem like you're alright but whatever. She gave him a look back that said I'll tell you later. He nodded slightly.

"Cinderfoot told us to go get you guys." Bluepaw shuffled her paws.

"Sure. We were just uh, talking." Moonpaw looked at the ground and his statement sounded more like a question.

"Well cmon, the warriors are waiting for us." Bluepaw nodded and bounded back onto the trees.

Moonpaw padded after her, his tail gently grazing Rainpaw as he walked by. She found herself staring as he padded past. With a tug at her heart, she followed after him with Ashpaw at her side.

"You like him don't you?" Ashpaw mumbled as the two siblings entered the forest. The quite oak and willow trees provided enough shade to cool Rainpaw down from the hot sun, but they did their job well enough to cause her to be a bit chilly. She shivered in her silver pelt before she answered Ashpaw's question.

"No." She denied.

Ashpaw titled his head and sighed. "Rainpaw I'm your brother. You can tell me."

"I don't like him!" She hissed a bit too loudly, causing a few birds to take flight and abandon their wooden homes in the great trees.

Ashpaw flattened his ears. "Good Starclan Rainpaw chill out. And you're very awful at lying." He scoffed. "I know you like him."

Rainpaw sighed softly and let her head droop. "He does have really pretty eyes."

"I knew it!!" Ashpaw hollered.

"Shut up mousebrain!" Rainpaw hissed, flicking her tail over his mouth to shut him up.

Ashpaw laughed softly and shoved his muzzle out of her fur. "Just a reminder, medicine cats can't have mates you know." He said wisely before bounding ahead of her to catch up to Bluepaw.

Rainpaw sighed. She was all alone again. Her brother's words echoed in her head. Medicine cats can't have mates. She smiled to herself as she heard her mother's voice replay in her head.

"There are rules you must follow, but some are meant to be broken." Silverdream's voice echoed in her mind.

Rainpaw bounded through the forest with nothing but happiness in her heart. "I think some rules are going to be broken."

I know this chapter is really short but it was needed to kinda show the relationships building between all the apprentices. Hope you all enjoyed!!

Ok if I remember i'm going to do a random fact of the day every update just to be fun!! So today's random fact is....

Most calico cats are female!!

You may have already known that but oh well lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

~  C I N D E R ~

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