Chapter 18

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"Y-your parents?" Moonpaw's voice echoed.

Rainpaw nodded. "Icestar and Silverdream were mine and Ashpaw's parents."

"That's crazy... your father was a leader of Streamclan..."

Rainpaw nodded a little. "Yeah.. but now he's dead." She couldn't keep the bitterness out of her voice. She kicked at an acorn. "Just like the rest of my family." She lashed her silver tail.

The silver and white tom put his paw out in front of her as if in comfort. "Hey, how do you know Ashpaw isn't still alive? And your parents are in Starclan, they haven't truly left you."

Rainpaw sighed, not wanting to let the roller coaster of her emotions over power her. She decided to drop the subject. "Yeah. I guess."

Suddenly the bushes rustled and Rainpaw thought quickly on her feet. "Yeah yeah the tansy is that plant right there Moonpaw. Just gather a few stems while I grab some catmint from over here..." Moonpaw looked confused but did what he was told.

Dustfoot and Snowshine padded through the bushes. "Hi Rainpaw, Moonpaw, what are you guys going out here?"

"Oh uh Moonpaw was just helping me collect some herbs, right Moonpaw?" She willed for him to understand what she was doing. Cats would get suspicious if the two were just out chatting. Medicine cats and warriors don't just chat.

Moonpaw picked up on Rainpaw's little lie. "Oh uh yes, collecting herbs, yup. Gotta love leaves." He gave a nervous chuckle.

Snowshine peered a glance at Dustfoot who shrugged. She flicked her soft white tail. "Ok, if you guys need anything lemme know." She turned and walked back through the bushes, Dustpelt following.

Moonpaw made sure Dustpelt's deep grey fur had disappeared before whispering. "Good thinking on that one. We should get back to camp."

Rainpaw nodded, her heart fogging up from the loss of her brother and her time with Moonpaw coming to an end. She drug her silvery paws as Moonpaw padded next to her, his warm fur a few inches from her.

"I'm sorry about your parents..." He mumbled, stumbling over an oak tree root.

"It's fine." She murmured back, easily trotting over the same root.

"And your brother..."

Rainpaw nodded, her voice catching in her throat. She couldn't speak, because she knew nothing would come out except for a squeak. Her throat felt thick with a pang of despair and she twitched her whiskers as if to shake away her feelings.

Moonpaw nodded and the two apprentices reached the camp entrance, Rainpaw padding inside first.

"Well... I'm heading off to my nest, I have dawn patrol tomorrow." Moonpaw shuffled his paws.

"Ok. I'll see you later." Rainpaw choked out and padded towards the medicine den with a bit more pace than needed.

She nearly knocked over a pile of thyme leaves as she stormed to her nest. Rainpaw bounded to her cozy corner and felt as a sharp pain raced through her paw pad.

"Foxdung!" She hissed, bringing her soft pink pad to her muzzle, licking it as blood spewed out of it. She hopped over to the cobwebs and placed a bundle on her paw, pressing down hard to stop the blood flow.

"Stupid rock." She grumbled, peeling away the cobwebs to see if her paw was still bleeding. It wasn't. Her cut wasn't worth wasting herbs for it so she didn't make a poultice for it.


She spun in a circle, looking for whoever called her name.


She tilted her head. "Hello?"

"Rainpaw. In front of you darling."

The silver apprentice squinted her cerulean eyes that made her and Ashpaw look alike to find a dark grey tom cat in front of her, stars fluttering in his pelt and he was quite difficult to see.

"Who are you?" She stammered, taking a step back.

"My name is Darkwhisker. I'm from Starclan, however I was once a clan cat. I was not from around here however, I was in a clan named Ravenclan."

Rainpaw tilted her head, listening to this wise tom.

"I'm here to tell you, that Ashpaw has his own destiny and that he should follow it. And you have to let him." The deep grey tom chirped.

"Let him? What do you mean?" Rainpaw's heart was pounding. She wanted answers and this was so close to getting them.

Darkwhisker sighed a bit. "Ashpaw was captured by Twolegs. He isn't going to come home Rainpaw."

"What do you mean?! He can find his way-"

"He is too far away. He is many many many pawsteps away. He won't find his way back. He will find his way to somewhere else, and his destiny is taking him there."

"He's smarter than you think. He can find his way home!" Rainpaw lashed her tail. "His destiny is with me and Streamclan!!"

Darkwhisker sighed. "Your hopes are high. Don't get disappointed from yourself."

"Stop talking in riddles and just give me a straight answer!!" Rainpaw growled, hardly able to keep her voice down.

Darkwhisker waved his tail. "Goodbye Rainpaw."

And then he disappeared faster than he came, leaving Rainpaw alone with her thoughts.

Little did Rainpaw know, Icestar happened to appear at Ashpaw at the very same instant, many miles away. It was almost as if Starclan had taken pity on the two apprentices.

Or perhaps it was a warning.


I'm actually kinda happy with this chapter!!! So I know the story hasn't really progressed much lately and right now the few past chapters have just been fillers for the main story. Don't worry! I haven't forgot the prophecy!!

~  C I N D E R ~

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