Chapter 28

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It was getting colder. Sootpaw could feel it. A few snowflakes danced through the stagnant sky and fluttered down to his soft grey muzzle. He sneezed as they tickled his whiskers. A mouse scurried away, frightened by the sudden noise and Sootpaw's stomach growled with hunger. Leafbare was taking its toll on Streamclan, as well as the rest of the clans. Grassclan, Rockclan, and Pineclan all spoke at last night's Gathering about how the forest was getting colder. Cats were falling ill. Rainpaw had her paws full with sick cats. Sootpaw could feel her stress and tension. The poor medicine cat had had a rough life, and she was still so young. Her parents both in Starclan, her brother kidnapped, her mentor dying. Even Moonpaw, who seemed to be her closest friend was distant from her. Sootpaw couldn't understand why Rainpaw's life had been so difficult. He wanted to become closer friends with the medicine cat, but at the same time, his life was too busy to make room to just go visit her. Between border patrols, hunting, battle training, and apprentice duties, it was hard for him to find time to just say hi to her. He sighed and wrapped his tail around his white paws.

"Sootpaw there you are. Come along, we are going to do some battle training." Flamestar announced as he padded out of his den. His fiery orange coat shone in the sunlight, making him look like Richard Parker. The great leader looked down at his apprentice and waved his flame colored tail.

"Flamestar I've just gotten back from battle training with Cinderfoot... she took me and Moonpaw while you were napping." Sootpaw meowed, half annoyed at his leader. It seemed like half the time Flamestar was too busy doing leaded duties than training his apprentice. Cinderfoot was a better mentor to Sootpaw than Flamestar.

"She did?" Flamestar was baffled.

Sootpaw flicked an ear to signify his approval and Flamestar sighed, noting the annoyance of his apprentice.

"Look Sootpaw, I know we've talked about this before. I know it's hard for me to train you as much as the other apprentices, but I have other obligations than the rest of the clan. It's my job to make sure everything goes smoothly and if I'm too busy training you the whole time, the clan will be let down." Flamestar sat down beside his ash colored apprentice.

"I know." Sootpaw managed to mumble. "It's just frustrating." He pawed at the ground.

"I know Sootpaw. I promise I'll try to work in some more time for you and me. Ok?" Flamestar licked the young tom cat's shoulder.

"Yea ok." Sootpaw sighed with annoyance and stood up and left his mentor and leader behind, before storming into the medicine den with a plan in mind.

When he walked inside, the soft echo of running water echoed through his ashy ears and almost pulled him into a deep comfort. Sootpaw managed to stay awake as he padded into the secluded alcove where Rainpaw lived. The young medicine cat was no where to be found. Sootpaw strained his neck as he looked around trying to find her.

"Sootpaw? What are you doing here? Are you alright?" Rainpaw's voice echoed from behind him. Sootpaw jumped, startled from her sudden appearance and whirled around to face her. In the midst of all this, he managed to knock over a small pile of herbs that had been placed against a large rock.

"Gah I'm so sorry. Yes, I'm alright. I actually just wanted to stop in and say hi." He looked at the lighter grey she cat. Sootpaw shuffled the disrupted herbs back into their collection and sat down in a small nest, probably for injured or sick cats.

"Oh um.. hi Sootpaw. I'm really glad you came to visit but you've come at his the wrong moment... I'm heading out with Flamestar to go to the Starstream." Rainpaw made sure everything in the medicine den was nice and clean as she spoke to Sootpaw. Her eyes flickered to and fro as she swept up dead leaves, kicked out mushed berries, and organized herbs into their proper storage spaces.

"Oh Starclan Rainpaw, are you getting your full medicine cat name?" Sootpaw stood up.

The small silver apprentice nodded her fluffy head. Her eyes glistened with a positive joy, an emotion not typically reflected in her sharp blue eyes.

"Great Starclan Rainpaw that's amazing! Congratulations." He purred.

"Thank you Sootpaw." Her voice was soft. "I must get going now. But... thank you for stopping by." She meowed and gently licked his shoulder.

"Goodbye Rainpaw. Safe travels." He muttered and waved his tail in farewell. It was nice to see her more lively. She had seemed to be falling into a sort of depression. Sootpaw wanted to make sure she looked after herself just as much as she looked after the rest of the clan. He sighed and watched as she padded away and out of camp with his mentor and soon found himself alone.

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