Chapter 30

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Ashpaw never thought that life could be so hard and so easy all at the same time. He trained endlessly throughout Leafbare. He wasn't too far behind, in fact Streamclan had the same training program as Ravenclan. But he used his ambition and anger to help push him to become a warrior. Ashpaw knew deep down what he wanted to do. The sooner he could become a warrior, the sooner he could leave Ravenclan and find his way home. He told himself that he just wanted to become a warrior like any other cat. Deep down, Ashpaw knew what he wanted. Well, he wanted two things, but Ashpaw also knew he couldn't have them both at the same time. He wanted to find his way back to Streamclan, but he also wanted...

"Winterpaw... how are you?" Ashpaw waved his tail to say hello and the soft white furred she cat bounced over to him with a small trot.

"I'm doing well thank you. And you? Are you doing ok?" Winterpaw purred.

"Good. Very good. Hey I was uh...wondering if you wanted to uh...go on a walk? Since it's getting warmer?" He stammered.

To his surprise, the white she cat let out a small laugh. "A walk?"

Ashpaw's stomach instantly filled with regret and a side of anxiety. He felt as his blood ran cold but his paws felt hot at the same time. A billion thoughts whirled through his head like bees among the flowers. "Yea..."

Winterpaw rolled her eyes and brushed her tail against Ashpaw's muzzle. "Yes I'll go on a walk with you, you mousebrain."

The tom instantly let out a sigh of relief and his shoulders instantly sunk into a more relaxed state. He hadn't even noticed how tense he was. He licked his snowy chest and let out a smile. Ashpaw followed as Winterpaw bounded out of the camp entrance, looking over her shoulder to make sure he was following. Together the two young cats dove out into the forest and the real world.

Pine needles fluttered through the sky and landed back down as the two tore through the forest. Leaves rained down upon them, being thrown up from their underpaw. Mud droplets splattered against their white fur, dotting it with molten splotches but the two didn't have a care in the world. They were with each other and that's all that mattered to each of them. Ashpaw knew his feelings for Winterpaw. He could only hope to Starclan that she liked him back.

"Cmon slow poke." Winterpaw called over her shoulder with a flick of her tail to the handsome tom behind her. Her paws extended and she pushed the ground away, bounding into the sprint of a deer. She felt her heart fluttering, not just from running. She knew her feelings for Ashpaw. She could only hope to Starclan that he liked her back.

The two cats finally reached a small clearing on the outskirts of their territory. They slowed to a trot and found themselves panting with exhaustion. Winterpaw found her sides heaving but Ashpaw only felt a small tremor in his chest. After training all Leafbare, he had built stamina. He extended his claws in the dirt and brought them back into his paws. Winterpaw lapped from a small puddle.

"I think I won that race." Winterpaw called from across the clearing.

"No way. I totally beat you." Ashpaw waved his tail and began to walk over to her.

"Did not!!"

"Did so!!"

The two young cats found themselves in a mock battle as they playfully batted each other's ears and soon they were covered in the dust and sand of the break in the forest. A split second later and Ashpaw had pinned Winterpaw to the ground, his paw on her  chest.

"I won this fight." He smirked but his eyes showed nothing but play.

"Oh please. You couldn't beat a kit." Winterpaw glared playfully at him. She expected him to continue the battle but to her surprise, he stepped off of her and let her get up. He padded a few pawsteps away. She instantly wondered if she hurt his feelings. She hasn't meant to make the snowy cat feel upset. She had merely been teasing.

"Ashpaw... are you ok? I was only joking you know..." Winterpaw dared to call out.

Ashpaw didn't respond, only sighed and dropped his head.

Winterpaw tilted her head and padded over to him. "Ashpaw... what's the matter?"

His eyes seemed to pierce through her entirety and his voice almost shattered her heart.

"You don't know what you do to me." His voice broke and he looked away, his muzzle burning. Winterpaw opened her jaws to speak but he kept talking.

"Everyday, I wake up and tell myself that I wouldn't let you get to me. And everyday during training, I get yelled at by Mistcloud for not paying attention. Because I'm too busy looking at you Winterpaw. I'm too busy thinking about what we might have. The pain of only hoping that there's a chance is more unbearable than a thousand warriors. I can't take it any longer." He finally finished with a deep breath and turned to face her.

"Go ahead... tell me I'm an idiot for trying." Ashpaw's eyes reflected pain and love, two emotions that were hardly seen together, but would appear in his eyes many times during his life.

There was a lifetime of silence that lasted a few seconds. Winterpaw took a breath before she opened her jaws to speak.

"You are an idiot." She started. "But not for trying. You're an idiot for thinking that I wouldn't care about a cat like you. You're an idiot for thinking I didn't think about what we could have too. You're an idiot for waiting for so long to tell me all of this. Ashpaw, you're an amazing cat. Ever since you came to Ravenclan, I knew there was something there. I want there to be a future with you and me. With us." Winterpaw smiled as she rubbed her muzzle against his.

Ashpaw looked up, eyes full of joy. "For real?"

"For real." She purred.

Ashpaw let out a purr. "You don't know how long I've wanted to hear that." He looked over to her and the two shared a glance that a cat could only dream of sharing with their significant other.

The two cats had finally admitted their feelings to her. As they padded back to camp, their pelts brushing, they both wore a new expression on their faces. The two were filled with young love and innocence. It was as if their small corner of the world was at peace.

Little did they now how soon that would change.


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