Pop! Goes the...Weasel?

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**We're starting shit off with a bang. None of that waiting stuff lol (this will make more sense later wink wink). I hope you guys enjoy this second chapter! I might double update if I get enough votes hmmmmm. Tell me what you think!


Evan's POV

Plopping myself down on the toilet seat, I rested my head between my knees while trying to get the world to stop spinning. Alcohol, especially vodka, always hit me harder than it did most people. Probably because I hardly drank, just rare times here and there and even then I usually only drank wine. Once my vision seemed to settle down enough for me to feel like I wasn't going to vomit, I did my business and left the stall. Staring at myself in the mirror, I didn't have that lifeless look anymore. What it was, I couldn't quite place my finger on it, but it wasn't happiness that was for sure.

I washed and dried my hands before pressing my cold palms to my cheeks to calm myself down, praying that the Alcohol wouldn't hit me as hard as it did last time. I shuddered at the thought. I'd almost lost my virginity to Brandon that night. What a waste that would've been.

Pushing the bathroom door, I was caught off guard as someone roughly grabbed me from behind and forced me to walk as they restrained my arms against the small of my back. I struggled to loosen their tight grip, but it was doing no good whatsoever. Tears pricked my eyes as my mind kicked into overdrive as I started thinking about all the possible ways there were to die. Should've left when the bartender told me to.

Next thing I knew, I was shoved up against a brick wall, my head lightly bonking back against it and causing my it to throb. Finally opening my squeezed eyes, I was met with the sight of the asshole from earlier, but this time I actually took care to fully examine his features.

What I saw definitely caught me off guard. He was beautiful in that rugged, all man sort of way. His skin was clearer than any I'd ever seen, and his cheekbones were perfectly chiseled as if personally carved by God himself. His thick, inky black lashes were so long they ghosted the tops of his cheeks every time he blinked, but it didn't look girly on him. It just looked alluring. His lips were the perfect size with a thick lower lip. They could only be described as kissable and holy shit that jawline made all thoughts escape my mind except for just one; I want to sit on his face.

My eyes trailed down from his face to his wide neck, then chest, and finally the rest of his body. There wasn't a single inch of skin I could see besides his face that wasn't touched with some kind of ink - and there was a whole lot of body there to cover. He clearly worked out if his biceps, which were almost as large as my head, were of any consolation. His shoulders were about twice mine in width and his jeans hugged his thick, trunk like thighs perfectly. He was mouth watering, to put it simply. Good Lord, he's one fine piece of man.

"It never seems to fail, the rich ones' panties are always soaked at the sight of a little ink and muscle." He stated cockily, a satisfied glint in his eyes as he spoke. There was no doubt in my mind he caught me blatantly checking him out, I hadn't even tried hiding it. I rolled my eyes before attempting to shove him away from me once again, but to no avail.

"I've seen better." I scoffed, not wanting him to have the upper hand before looking away from him towards the street. He would easily be able to call my bluff if he looked into my eyes. Surveying my surroundings as he gnashed his teeth at my comment, I noticed we seemed to be in a dank back alleyway of some sorts, most likely behind the bar was my guess.

"Hey!" He yelled, trying to get my attention. I continued to ignore him just to piss him off even further thanks to my liquid courage from earlier that was slowly wearing off. Must've been cheap booze. I accomplished just what I wanted it to, whether good or bad, I wasn't quite sure yet. He took one hand off of my building and gripped my chin with it before roughly jerking my face towards his own. We were so close that the tips of our noses rubbed up against one another as if we were giving each other an eskimo kiss; the awkward position suddenly making me very uncomfortable. I squirmed in his hold while trying to shake his fingers off of my face, but it only seemed to amuse him that much more.

Scar on my Heart (Carmichael Series #3)✔️Where stories live. Discover now