Facing the Music

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**Hey guys! So, there's a few photos in the story instead of at the top. I don't usually like putting pictures in the middle of the story cause I feel like it can break up the flow of the chapter, but I don't want to ruin the surprise so it's going to have to do just this once! For those of you angry at Scar still and upset Evan didn't punish him more, maybe this will help you regain your love for our brute again! Enjoy and don't forget to comment and vote!!**

Evan's POV

Scar's phone was buzzing away like crazy from where it laid on the floor. I had no doubt it was probably my dad demanding to know where we'd run off to. Checking the alarm clock on the table, I realized it'd been an hour and a half since we disappeared.

"We should probably get back. From what I hear, I need to smooth things over with your mother." Scar heaved out on a sigh. I giggled thinking about it.

"Oh yeah, she fuckin' hates you." I retorted to which he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I have a very strong feeling it's going to take a lot more to convince her than it did you or your father." He replied knowingly.

"You have no idea buddy. And you're still not totally off the hook with me, asshole. You've got a lot of kissing feet to do." I demanded before laughing, the sound coming out foreign to my own ears.

"Don't worry, baby, I already planned on it." He chuckled before helping to re-zip my dress - which was torn the slightest bit at the hem because of his rough handling. He redressed quickly and I turned to leave the room, but he caught me by my forearm and spun me back around. Grabbing my left hand, he slid my engagement ring back on my finger before bring my hand up and kissing each one of my knuckles.

"This will never come off ever again, understand?" He ordered seriously. I giggled happily before nodding.

"Yes daddy." I purred seductively, causing his pupils to dilate with lust.

"Good girl." He growled back before kissing me harshly and giving my ass a harsh smack. Fuck, I missed this so much.

We slowly made our way back down to the reception, knowing there was going to be utter chaos to greet us. Not that I cared. When he was standing next to me, I felt like there wasn't anything in this world that I couldn't do.

My father's extremely angry face greeted us first. He had his phone pressed to his ear as my mother and Ellie were trying to calm him.

"You fucker! What did I tell you!" He roared before rushing towards us. I placed a hand to Scar's chest to stop our ascent before taking a step in front of him and effectively shielding him with my body.

"No, how about what you didn't tell me." I spat back, my earlier anger resurfacing as I remember exactly what he'd kept from me all this time. He must have known exactly what I was talking about because his face softened as a guilty look took over his face.

"Angel, it wasn't my place to tell you-"

"The fuck it wasn't! My fiancee, who you knew still loved me, was shot and you didn't fucking tell me? How could you! I couldn't eat, sleep, or leave my room for the past three months and you still decided it was okay to keep the fact that he was hurt away from me?" I screeched. My mom gasped before looking at my dad with an accusatory glare. Guess he kept the secret from her too.

"Knox." She growled, her words hitting right in the center of his chest.

"Why am I the one everyone's angry at all of a sudden? He told me not to tell!" He yelled while motioning towards Scar. My mom just shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest. My ring caught the light and glimmered, gaining the attention of everyone around us.

Scar on my Heart (Carmichael Series #3)✔️Where stories live. Discover now