Concerning Later Chapter...

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Alright, so I know I'm going to get hella comments on this when the time comes, so I'm just going to put this out there now. 

If you're not into daddy kink, that's totally cool. Every kink isn't for everyone, but with that being said, there's gonna be some kinky stuff happening in later chapters. If you're not into this kind of stuff, then skip over it or don't read. It irritates me to no end when people comment things like "cringe" or "gross" or "this makes me think of my father thats so fucking weird". 

Guess what? I don't give a fuck. I'm going to explain my own personal reasoning for not being bothered at all by this kink: my father and I have the most shit relationship ever. I hardly ever call him dad and usually just refer to him as his first name. Therefore, the name dad or daddy doesn't conjure up images of my father. That's me personally. 

For a lot of people who do love and have a great relationship with their dad, I've been told it has nothing to do with the actual word daddy but with the idea of being dominated and having someone have some sort of control over you and your body.

There, I've said my peace. When this comes up later in the book and if someone comments something like this I will come for you sideways cause I've now explained myself. For evangeline, it's a dominance thing. If you're into this shit like I am, get hype :)

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