Labels and Lesions

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**I know you love me. Enjoy this chapter :)**

Evan's POV

"Evan, w-who the fuck is this guy?" Brandon stammered while backing away from Scar's intimidating frame.

"It's none of your business. How the the fuck did you get in here?" I demanded, suddenly have a flash of deja vu to earlier this evening when I asked Scar the exact same question.

"What do you mean, how did I get in? I still have the key you gave me." He said while holding up the offending item as it dangled on his key ring. This seemed to piss Scar off even more than he already was, which was really saying something. He ripped the ring of keys out of Brandon's hand before removing my key and chucking them back at his chest. I held out my hand, fully expecting him to give it back to me, but instead he just slipped it into his back pocket while ignoring my outstretched hand.

"Jesus, Evan, if you wanted to make me jealous you could've found someone at least somewhat normal. You didn't have to do it with some...gang member." Brandon ridiculed with judgemental eyes.

"Listen here pretty boy, you're ruining precious time I could be spending between her legs eating her pussy, so either you leave now or I fucking force you out." Scar goaded before invading Brandon's personal space. Brandon backed away until he ran into my front door. He reached behind him and frantically searched for the knob, eyes wide with fear.

"This isn't over, Evan." He warned before hightailing it out of my apartment.

"Fucking prick." Scar spat under his breath before continuing towards my fridge. He turned around and handed me the only carton of ice cream I had left in my freezer, but I just slammed it down on the counter top.

"Fucking hell, what's your deal now?"He exasperated.

"Oh, you shut your fucking mouth! You can't even begin to understand the can of worms you've just opened up in my life! Ugh! And did you have to be so crass?" I ranted, completely forgetting about the ice cream as I stormed back into my bedroom. I attempted to slam the door in his face, but his foot stopped that from happening. He shoved the door open, which is turn caused me to stumble backwards and almost fall on my ass.

"Can't you take a hint? Get out! I'm mad at you!" I screamed before trying to storm away to my bathroom. Still, he caught me and pulled me back.

"Evangeline." He warned sternly.

"No! Don't you fucking Evangeline me! And give me my key!" I yelled while stomping my foot in frustration. Could I be anymore juvenile?

"Why?" He demanded in an accusatory tone.

"I don't know, maybe because it's my fucking apartment?" I said sarcastically. His mouth pulled into a half smirk at my statement, which only seemed to further my anger.

"How am I supposed to get in whenever I please if I don't have a key?" He inquired with that same stupid smug smile on his face. My anger peaked and I literally growled at him.

"There's no reason for you to come and go as you please! And besides, if you broke in before what's stopping you from doing it again? And why did you call me 'your girl' in front of Brandon? What happened to only having meaningless fucks, huh?" I demanded while jabbing my finger into his chest as I felt my face flush red.

"I said it because you are mine. I fucking dare you to tell me otherwise. And this stopped being a meaningless fuck when you decided to argue with me after I took your virginity." My mouth fell open as he gave no further explanation. What kind of drug was this dumbass on?

Scar on my Heart (Carmichael Series #3)✔️Where stories live. Discover now