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**Sorry this chapter is coming to you guys so late! I just totally spaced out while doing homework and running various other errands today! The title of this chapter is in another language, if you can figure out which language you'll get a nose kiss thru the internet from me :-). I hope you guys enjoy the update!**

Evan's POV

"Scar, we need to talk." I whispered, watching as his face grew distressed. "It's not about the past, actually the exact opposite. We need to talk about what's going to happen after we're married. I won't bring a child into this world not knowing if you're going to come home to me safely after you leave for a fight. I know I've let it slide thus far, but I can't handle that. You fight three or four times a week and it kills me. I've never said anything because we weren't as serious as we are now, and also because we had other issues, but I'm saying it now. I don't want you fighting anymore." I demanded, my body tensing up as I waited for his reaction.

"I can't just give that part of my life up, baby. It's the only reason I'm standing here in front of you today in the house that I built with my own two hands. I would've been shot fucking dead by now had it not been for fighting. I won't fight, but I can't give it up. That will always be a part of who I am, Evangeline." He reasoned before crossing his arms.

I mulled over what he said for a few minutes. Was it unfair of me to ask him to let go of something so important to him? Yes. But was it within reason to ask him to stop putting his fucking life in danger for the sake of our future kids and myself? Also yes.

"I don't see how you can keep that part of your life without fighting." I answered, genuinely curious as to how he would plan on staying involved without actually getting in the ring himself.

"I've had a couple of kids ask me to train them. Some of em' are just little babies who have no idea what they're doing, but they just need something to keep them off the streets and out of trouble. This gives me a purpose in life. It makes me feel needed. Not saying that you don't do both of those things for me baby, because you do, but I feel like this way I'm righting all the wrongs I've done in life." He finished, breathing heavily as he worked himself up. Clearly, he's been thinking about this for a while, and it's obviously something he's passionate about.

"Okay." I whispered out.

"Wait, really?" He asked, eyes wide with disbelief.

"Yes, but only if you never step foot into the ring outside of training ever again." I warned.

"And you'll give me a kid?" He questioned, voice filled with hope. I just nodded in response as all the tension in his body left.

"Then consider it done." He stated before coming to crouch down in front of me as I continued rocking in the chair.

"How long are you going to make me wait until you let me get you pregnant?" He cheekily inquired. I just rolled my eyes as a smile made it's way to my face.

"Until after we're good and married." I said in a no nonsense tone, letting him know I wasn't budging on this at all. He smirked, knowing that I knew exactly what he was thinking.

"Then let's pick a date. Right here, right now." He suggested, excitement lacing his tone.

"Fine, but you're still helping me plan the entire thing." I retorted. He loudly groaned before nuzzling his face into my stomach. We sat in this position for a while until the doorbell unexpectedly rang. Scar's head shot up as we shared looks of utter confusion.

"Who the hell could be here?" I asked Scar.

He shook his head, "I don't know. It can't be any of my guys because the build is finished. I did list this address as my primary residence last week because I was hoping we could move in as soon as possible, but I haven't told anyone yet." He explained before getting up and slowly making his way towards the front door. He checked the peephole before he brow became heavily wrinkled with worry.

Scar on my Heart (Carmichael Series #3)✔️Where stories live. Discover now