Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall Down!

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**I can confidently tell you guys that I have no voice left. Rush week has completely taken it from me, and bid day hasn't even happened yet. With that said, I was literally so freaking busy this week and so tired that I haven't been on wattpad but like once or twice to see what kind of craziness was going to await me. I hope you guys enjoy this update, but there's a hella cliff ahead, MWAH HA!**

Evan's POV

I knew Scar could tell he'd pissed me off because I refused to let him touch me for the remainder of the game. My father was all too happy about my anger with him as every time he saw me swat at Scar, his lips would pull up at the corners in an amused smirk.

I wrinkled my nose as Brock rushed up to hug me after winning his game, smelling like roadkill and slickened with sweat.

"Thanks for coming. I'm assuming dad's pissed look is due to him being here?" He questioned knowingly while jutting his chin out at Scar. I just laughed and nodded my head before our sibling moment was cut off by one of the opposing team's players.

"Hey baby! I heard you got a sweet tooth and I have a snickers right here for you!" The kid yelled before gripping his dick in his pants and thrusting upwards. The guys around him all laughed as a sneer made its way to my face. How disgusting and disrespectful, at least have a good pick up line if you're going to catcall.

I opened my mouth to yell something sarcastic back, but Scar bent down and took my distraction as a chance to kiss my cheek.

"Don't worry baby. I'll handle it." He murmured before barreling towards the little punk - who now looked like he was going to shit his pants.

"Hey fuckhead, you hitting on my woman?" He roared dramatically, purposely puffing himself out. I couldn't contain my laughter at how quickly the little douche's expression changed from cocky to terrified, shaking his head back and forth rapidly while holding his hands out in surrender.

"N-no man! I was just-" He tried explaining before Scar grabbed him by the front of his jersey and roughly manhandled him before leaning down and quietly speaking to him. The kid's face went stark white as he gulped and nodded to whatever Scar was saying. He pushed the kid away from him before making his way back towards me with a gleeful smile on his face. I couldn't help but playfully roll my eyes at the satisfaction he got from intimidating people.

"Who called you?" I tried once again as we followed after my family to the parking lot. He sighed deeply before opening my car door and smacking my ass as I got in. I yipped before glaring at him as he winked at me. Crossing my arms over my chest, I gave him an expectant look once he was seated and buckled.

"I'll tell you when we get home. I won't be able to drive if I talk about it, I'll be too angry." He reasoned before pulling onto the road. I nodded before leaning my head against the window and trying to come up with any idea of who could've been on the other side of that phone. It wasn't Tanner, I knew that for a fact. Whenever Tanner called, he would get the biggest smile on his face. While I loved that he had at least one good thing come out of his childhood, I couldn't help but hate the guy after what he'd said about me. Especially since I've never met the guy in person and have never confronted him about what he said. A piece of me wonders if Scar ever told him we got engaged. I'd like to think yes, but I'm not confident that that's the correct answer.

I was pulled from my reverie as I heard Scar's door slam. Looking up, I realized he was waiting for me to get out of the car with my door ajar. I shook my head, clearing my thoughts before taking his offered hand and getting out.

"Okay, spill." I demanded the second the front door shut. He took his time removing his shoes before throwing his keys and wallet on the entryway table.

Scar on my Heart (Carmichael Series #3)✔️Where stories live. Discover now