BONUS CHAPTER: Knox and Poppy

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**Here's the short little blurb some of ya'll were asking about. I think this gives a lot of explanation as to Knox's change of heart later on!

ALSO do any of you know how I can check the ranking of my books? I for the life of me cannot seem to figure it out lol. Hitcha girl up if you know.**

Poppy's POV

My heart felt heavy in my chest as I closed the door to Evan's room behind me. My eyes welled up with tears as seeing her in so much pain. Whether either one of them wanted to admit it or not, they were in love. I could tell the second they looked at each other. To hell if I'm going to let my husband stand in the way of that. You only find the right person once in a lifetime, that's something the both of us know all too well.

"You've got some fucking nerve!" I hissed at him as I re-entered our kitchen. I saw his back tense up as he stopped pouring his second glass of his scotch tonight.

"Excuse me?" He growled, eyeing me with a warning glare.

"You heard me, Knox. Our little girl is up there in stitches, barely able to breathe because she's crying so hard. How could you do this to her? I know you saw how happy she was with him! We finally got her back after what Brandon did to her and now look what you've done!" I accused, my voice raising just the slightest bit.

"You weren't there when he was bragging to me about her! You didn't see the smirk on his face when he told me he fucked her tits!" He roared quietly. I forced myself not to blush as I squared off with him, not letting him talk me down this time.

"So what, Knox? My parents knew we were having sex! And if they didn't, it was pretty damn obvious after you got me pregnant at eighteen! She's done nothing but make us proud her whole entire life! All I want is for her to be happy, why isn't that your main goal too?" I demanded sadly.

"It is my fucking goal!" He yelled back. "How do you think I feel knowing that she's up there hating me more than she ever has? How do you think I feel knowing I'm the reason she's so upset? How do you think it felt hearing that she thinks I'm a terrible father? It's fucking killing me, Poppy! It is! But I can't stand back and watch this relationship progress. I know where that kid came from and I loved him like my own, but I don't want my daughter getting caught up in this fucking shit. My decision still stands." He stated, finishing the pungent alcohol in the glass in one swig.

I felt all of my fight leave me in seconds as the exhaustion seeped in. I just shook my head at him as he stared back at me.

"You can sleep on the couch tonight." I responded as he clenched and unclenched his jaw. Turning, I retreated to our bedroom before grabbing a few blankets and his pillow. Making my way back down the stairs, I made him a makeshift bed on the couch before approaching him once again, praying he'd changed his mind within the small amount of time that I was gone.

"Poppy, seriously-" He started before Evan's groggy voice cut him off.

"Mom? Can I go spend the night at Tansy's?" She asked, her bloodshot eyes and red nose pulling at my heartstrings. I saw Knox narrow his eyes at her from my peripheral vision, causing my anger to flare once again.

"Sure sweetheart. Just make sure you text me when you get there so I know you made it safely." I spoke softly with an encouraging smile. I knew she was probably going to Scar's apartment to see him, but I couldn't deny her happiness. Knox opened his mouth to say something, but I whipped my head to the side and harshly whispered for him to shut his fucking mouth under my breathe. Whatever it was that he was about to say died on his tongue as he shut his mouth instantly. Evan nodded and gave me a thankful smile before grabbing a set of keys and hightailing it out of the house.

"Poppy-" Knox growled, no doubt angry with me for completely ignoring his wishes and letting her leave anyway.

"Not tonight," I interrupted him, "I will discuss this with you tomorrow. Goodnight." I finished before walking away to our bedroom. I knew for a fact I wouldn't be getting any sleep without him, but that, and so much more, was the price I was willing to pay for my children. They would always come before my own needs.


Breakfast the next morning was tense as my heart clenched thinking about what I was about to do. Brock could feel the tension between his father and I as he quietly ate the plate of food I'd cooked for him.

"Hey, um, I'm gonna go to the field with the boys. Get a little more practice in." He awkwardly rattled off before kissing me on the cheek and leaving out the front door. Flipping the stove off, I turned to face Knox as he met me with a knowing look. I grabbed the few papers that felt heavier than anything as my heart pounded in my chest before making my way to the table.

Sliding them across to him, his body seized up as he looked at me with betrayal in his eyes.

"What the fuck are these, Poppy?" He rasped out, voice constricting with pain.

"You had a troubled background too, and my very own father wanted me as far from you as possible. But you know what? I fought tooth and nail for our love because I knew you were what I wanted. I knew I loved you enough to prove everyone wrong and make us work, but if you're not going to give our daughter the same chance to have what we have today, then you're not the same man I married all those years ago. Then you're not the same man I fell in love with." I choked out, working with all my might to force the words to leave my lips as the tears cascaded down my cheeks.

He dropped his head into his hands while I tried my best to contain my sobs as he stared at the divorce papers, a single droplet of water dropping onto them.

"I'll never sign these." He growled vehemently, the pained tone never leaving his voice.

"I know, baby." I sniffled. He shoved his chair back before shredding the papers with his hands and throwing them on the floor before pulling me into his tight embrace. I clutched at the t-shirt material covering his shoulders as neither one of us spoke, just cradled the other in our arms.

"I'm going to the gym to train. When I get back, we'll discuss letting Evan continue her relationship with him." He responded before kissing me soundly. I nodded gratefully before pecking his lips one last time.

"I love you." I whispered out sincerely.

"I love you more, Flower. Forever and always."

Scar on my Heart (Carmichael Series #3)✔️Where stories live. Discover now