The Talk

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**Yes, there will be a regular update tomorrow as well, but there is a major cliff hanger in tomorrow's chapter so depending on how many votes this gets, we'll see if we update today AND do a double update tomorrow...We shall see, we shall see. Let me know what you guys think!**

Evan's POV

"This conversation is done." He stated off handedly.

"Then I guess so is this date." I growled back, pissed off that he wouldn't trust me enough to tell me his story. After everything I told him, including the depression I went through not too long ago. I scrambled to get off of him as I angrily tugged my faux silk robe on. Scar snorted sarcastically behind me.

"As if this was a fucking date. That would've required me to have bought you dinner before I fucked you." He sneered. I knew he was trying to hurt me and that he didn't mean it, but I guess he could consider it mission accomplished. I tried to keep my head down to prevent him from seeing my eyes fill with tears as I grabbed my phone off the nightstand. Much to my annoyance, I couldn't quiet my sniffle that instantly gave away my silent tears.

"Evangeline, c'mon baby." He called after me, but I just slammed the door behind me and locked it as my cheeks dampened.

"C'mon princess, you know I didn't mean it." His deep voice rasped through the door.

"That's the worst part you dick! You just said it to hurt me!" I yelled back, voice cracking with emotion halfway through my words. He continued to try and coax me to come out through the door, but I was having none of it.

"Evangeline I'm done playing games. I've apologized. Now open the door before I get angry." He ordered, the warning tone in his voice advising me it would be unwise to disobey him. I felt myself caving, naturally wanting to submit to him and do as he asked. I'm not docile, he's just a really good fuck I assured myself as I cracked the door open and peak.

"More." He demanded. I opened the door wide enough for my whole head to be seen, but nothing else.

"More." He said again. I huffed before pulling the door wide enough for him to enter, but blocked the entrance with my body. He peered behind me at the large bathtub that was exactly like the one in Tansy's personal bathroom.

"How about we take a nice bath while I tell you about my childhood?" He suggested, still stark naked and now half-way hard. It took all my willpower not to stare right at the spot between his legs, but he was so fucking big it was almost unavoidable.

"You didn't want to talk about your past." I countered back in a know-it-all tone while crossing my arms over my chest. Taking a daunting step towards me, he yanked me forward by my chin as an annoyed look encompassed his face.

"Yes, and that upset you, so now I'm going to tell what you wanted to know regardless of the fact that I'd rather you didn't know that side of my life. Knock off the attitude." He demanded. I scoffed in reply and tried to wiggle my way out of his hold.

"Okay daddy." I snapped, irritated when I wasn't strong enough to maneuver out of his tight hold. His eyes darkened dramatically as he tugged at my bottom lip with his thumb.

"Watch what you say or this conversation will end up with my cock so deep in your tight little cunt that you won't even know where I end and you begin, understand?" He growled while grinding his length against me. I released a breathy moan before nodding and allowing him to back me into the bathroom.

He wordlessly began to fill the tub, checking the water every now and then to make sure it wasn't too hot or cold. When it was filled, he reached out his hand, waiting for me to take it. I did with a confused smile as he brought me towards him before helping me step into the bath and sit down.

Scar on my Heart (Carmichael Series #3)✔️Where stories live. Discover now