Breakfast In Bed

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**Momma promised you an update, here's the extra update. Let me know what you think :)**

Evan's POV

Rolling over the next morning proved to impossible as a huge, crushing weight was holding my hostage against the mattress. Opening my eyes, I glanced down to Scar, as he called himself, laying with his entire body on top of my own, nestled between my legs with his head resting on my boobs as if they were his own personal pillows. I cleared my throat loudly, trying to wake him, but he continued his quiet snoring. I lightly slapped at his cheek which caused his face to scrunch up comically before he slowly lifted himself off of me and peered down in confusion. His deep blue orbs shown with recognition before they flickered down to my bare breasts, causing them to darken with lust.

"Get up." I demanded, unable to move him off of me on my own.

"Oh, I'm up alright." He growled out huskily before diving down and pulling one of my now peaked nipples into the warm cavern of his mouth. I gasped in both pleasure and surprise before weakly trying to push his head away. I thought it was working for a second before I realized he was kissing his way down my body. I tried closing my legs, but he saw right through my plan and halted my movement before diving his head between my thighs. I moaned as he began eating me like there was no tomorrow without any warning. He pushed my legs up to my chest before thrusting his tongue deeper inside of me as his nose nudged up against my swollen clit. I screamed out his name while digging my fingers into the pillow next to me, trying desperately to catch my breath.

He was relentless, never giving me a single second to just catch my breath until I finally came so hard that black dots swarmed around the edges of my vision. God that was quick I thought to myself as he continued placing lazy kisses all over my inner thighs and lower lips while my body continued to shake from the aftermath of my intense orgasm.

"If I knew virgin pussy tasted this fucking good, I would've been popping cherries like it was my job." He joked while massaging my sides. My nose scrunched up in disgust as I scooted up towards the headboard and away from him. Crossing my legs one over the other and pulling them up to my chest, I glared at him as he rolled his eyes at my actions.

"Stop being so sensitive. It was a compliment." He said flippantly before crawling his way back up the bed and towards my body. I threw the pillow lying next to me at his face as hard as I could before wrapping my arms around my legs once again.

"That wasn't a compliment. That was a crass, perverted comment that makes me feel like some common whore." I spat before flinging myself off of his bed and making a beeline for the bathroom. I slammed the door behind me before locking it, knowing he was right on my heels. The doorknob jiggled before he began pounding away at the sturdy wood. I ignored his threats about him breaking down the door and teaching me a lesson as I stared at myself in the mirror. A weird sense of deja vu crept up on me as I realized I did this exact same thing last night; the only difference between then, and now, was that my skin seemed to glow. My eyes were bright and clear, and my lips swollen and bruised from overuse. Delicately touching them with my fingers, I couldn't help the short snort of laughter that bubbled from my chest at the change I saw in myself. I guess good dick really can change your life I thought with amusement. Seconds later, the door was kicked open, sending tiny splinters of wood everywhere. I jumped back in surprise before looking at Scar incredulously.

"Are you really that fucking stupid? It's your own goddamn house don't you have a fucking key!" I yelled. I growled in annoyance as he just continued to stare at me with that impervious, dark look. I rolled my eyes before reaching in and turning his shower on while waiting for it to warm up. Neither one of us broke eye contact until I noticed the room beginning to steam up. Deciding a hot, comforting shower was much more worth my time than having some dumb staring contest with this idiot, I pushed the glass door back and sighed as the scalding water hit my sore body. I was surprised I could even walk today, really. I'd heard the day after losing your v-card is a constant painful ache, but no one ever said how uncomfortable it'd be when you went more rounds that you can remember. And with someone who personified the saying "hung like a horse".

Scar on my Heart (Carmichael Series #3)✔️Where stories live. Discover now