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**READ ME READ ME READ ME! Okay guys, don't get me wrong I FUCKING LOVE the support and love you're showing this story, but I don't think you can comprehend how annoying it gets when the only comments I read on each chapter of the book are either asking when I'm updating (SOMETHING THAT WAS LITERALLY ADDRESSED IN CHAPTER ONE AND I WILL NO LONGER BE ANSWERING THESE QUESTIONS), or telling me to update. I'm in a college class and I have a full time job even though it's summer. I don't have ample amount of time to be updating, even if I'd like it. I update more often than just once a week if the time is permitted. Like I said, I fucking adore all of you and how much you clearly enjoy this story, but scrolling through the comments and seeing one after another just saying "update" makes me NOT want to update. I hope you all understand. xx LOVE YOU ALL AND ENJOY!**

Evan's POV

I felt something light pressing against my chest as I began to come to consciousness. Blinking my eyes open a few times, I realized that it was just a seatbelt. I swallowed deeply as I glanced around to see that I was now strapped inside the car with the same three monsters from before.

"She's awake." The guy next to me grumbled out to the two seated in front. "I'm starting to see now why he said having three of us come get her was necessary." He cursed before sending a curious look my way.

"The asshole only mentioned not trusting her to be alone in the backseat of the car. He never mentioned getting her in the car." The driver added with irritation.

"Who the fuck is this he?" I demanded, already having a slight idea of who they were speaking of, but I wanted to confirm my suspicions.. I was already knee deep in this shitty situation, so I might as well find out who put them up to it.

"Scar." They all replied at the same time, a hint of annoyance in their tone.

"That mother fucker. I'm going to cut his balls off and feed them to him for breakfast." I exploded. His friend in the front seat, who was also - conveniently - the only one wearing a bandage around his leg, laughed out before glancing back at me.

"Why don't you try telling him that." He mused.

"I have before. It just turns him on when we argue, so what's the use." I grumbled to myself as they all burst out in laughter. "And was knocking me out really necessary?" I demanded while sending a harsh glare to each one of them.

"You fucking stabbed me! Of course it was necessary!" The passenger in the front yelled with a shake of his head.

"You could've at least introduced yourself to me and told me Scar sent you."

"Yeah, he told us that wouldn't work. Said you're pissed at him." The driver said with an amused tone. I didn't respond, knowing that he was right. I still would've put up a fight, that's for damn sure.

"I'm Krueger, by the way." The one I stabbed said with a short wave over the headrest of his seat. "And the one next to you is Beast. The fuckhead driving is Cujo." I nodded while taking a good look at each of their faces so that I would remember their names for future reference.

"Well, I'm Evan." I chimed in shyly.

"We know." Cujo chuckled before turning into the parking lot of a desolate building. I examined my surroundings, confused as to why we were here. We appeared to be in one of the nicer parts of town, but I wasn't sure what this building was, exactly. It looked like it might possibly be just another plain old business that was closed for the night.

"Alright, mama. Let's go." Cujo ordered while standing in front of my opened door. I just looked at him as we shared a moment of understanding that if I caused another ruckus he would knock me out again. I huffed in annoyance before accepting his outstretched hand and letting him help me out of the car.

Scar on my Heart (Carmichael Series #3)✔️Where stories live. Discover now