Three Words

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**THIS IS YOUR UPDATE FOR THE WEEK AS I AM TOTALLY BUSY ALL DAY TOMORROW. I REPEAT THERE WILL BE NO UPDATE TOMORROW SO THIS IS YOUR REPLACEMENT UPDATE. Even though that shit is bolded, italicized, AND underlined I guarantee you I'm going to have someone comment and ask me when I'm updating tomorrow. Never fails lol. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this part!

UPDATE: lol I hate myself because I have just discovered that I cannot change my stories back to public now that they're private - which I think is so freaking dumb. I wish I would've know that before I made them private because so many of you are having issues with viewing the stories. I wish there was some way I could fix this without having to pretty much re-uploading the book all over again - which I'm not going to do.**

Evan's POV

I was running around Scar's apartment, desperately trying to find a pair of clean leggings to wear. My mom had just called saying her and my dad were finally on their way home from the hospital. As the doctor promised, they kept him for a week just to make sure everything was okay. Needless to say, everyone in the family was anxious for Friday to finally roll around.

"Scar, have you seen any of my pants?" I yelled out, digging through the laundry hamper in the bedroom. Neither of us had really come to realize how permanent of a fixture I was at his house until pretty much all of my things were here instead of my parents place. Obviously it made sense beings as we were engaged, but me living with him was just kind of an unspoken agreement that just ended up happening over time. While my father was still in his coma, I couldn't stand being alone or surround with people. I only liked being around Scar, really. Even then, I was still a mega bitch. It's a wonder he didn't take the ring back and just kick my ass out.

"I wouldn't consider those scraps of stretchy black material as pants, princess." He muttered in amusement as he came to lean against the doorframe of the bedroom.

"Says the man who complains when I wear anything but them because he likes staring at my ass whenever he can." I mocked as he scoffed in response. I shot him my try me glare as he rolled his eyes and conceded to the argument. He knew he wasn't going to win.

"Here." He said, extending his hand in which was holding what looked to be a clean pair of pants. I yelled a dramatic ah-ha! before snatching them from him and quickly pulling them on.

"I really don't wanna do this." He grumbled through a sigh, obviously thinking about the confrontation we were undoubtedly about to have with my father in about half an hour.

"Yeah, well I really wasn't in the mood to suck your dick last night but I did because you asked." I retorted, giving him a pointed look before I began putting my hair up. I saw him smirk at me in the mirror I made him hang above his dresser before he closed the space between us and pulled me back against him by my hips.

"I know baby, and this is why I love you." He murmured while nuzzling into my neck. I immediately stopped fumbling with my hair as I stood frozen with shock. Did he just...? Obviously noticing my change in demeanor, he looked up and met my eyes with his own. The shock was written all over my face, something that he just smiled at before rolling his eyes playfully.

"Don't give me that look, Evangeline." He scolded before smacking my ass.

"But you just-" I started to counter, but he cut me off.

"I know what I said, baby. I already told you that I don't believe in words, but rather actions. That doesn't mean I'm never going to tell you how I feel and that I love you." He explained as if it were the most simple thing ever. He'd finally said those three special words. No dancing around it, no hinting at it. Just simply said it. My heart was beating out of my chest as he continued to languidly rub my hips with his fingers.

Scar on my Heart (Carmichael Series #3)✔️Where stories live. Discover now