Crisis Averted

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**Don't worry. I know you love me. Let me know what you think!**

Evan's POV

Rolling over in bed the next morning, I had a sick feeling in my stomach just thinking about the conversation I was going to have to have today. I threw on my change of clothes before entering the living room.

"Hey sleepy head! It's about time you woke up!" Tansy joked before going back to the papers in her hand. I checked the clock on my phone and realized that it was a few minutes shy of noon. Usually I never slept in too late as I didn't want to waste my day away. "What're you up to today?" She asked, only halfway paying attention as she highlighted a few words.

"I'm gonna talk to Scar today. Get my key back and everything." I trailed off, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Okay. Good luck, girl. Call me if you need anything." She murmured with a comforting smile. I nodded before beginning the trek to his place. I cursed myself when I realized that I had no idea whether he was still home or not, and if not I had no way of getting in. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Should've kept his key until after we broke things off.

Entering the building, I ignored the cat calls from the group of teenage boys hanging out in the lobby. Anxious butterflies flared up in my stomach as I stood outside his door. My breathing grew heavy as I started to feel light headed. Squeezing my hands into fists, I dug my nails into my palms while focusing on taking deep breaths. In, out. In, out. I brought my hand up and pounded against the door before I could think twice. If I didn't do this now, I was never going to do it.

There was no answer for a few minutes, so I knocked again. If he doesn't answer this time, I'll leave I reasoned while swallowing the lump in my throat. I checked the clock on my phone before huffing in annoyance and stepping away from the door to make my leave. I'd just turned my back when I heard the door swing open as someone groaned. Turning on my heels, I gasped at how horrible Scar looked. He was sickly white and had dark bags under his eyes. There was a deep purple bruise on the edge of his jaw that was somewhat camouflaged by his stubble.

"I feel like I'm dying." He groaned again before leaving the door wide open and walking back into his apartment. I was assuming that was his way of inviting me in. He hadn't showed any smidgen of remorse, so that either meant he didn't know I heard the phone call or he was actually just a huge dick. Well, he has one I thought before reprimanding myself and forcing my thoughts back on track. From the way he was acting, I was assuming it was the former of the two.

"Did you just wake up?" I asked, not knowing how else to start the conversation being as he clearly had no idea what he'd done.

"Yeah, you pounding on the door did it." He explained with a grimace as he popped two white pills and followed them with water. I nodded before looking away from him, already feeling my emotions getting the best of me just from being in his presence. He set his glass down before beginning to approach me. When his hands reached out to grab me, I put my own up while taking a step back, distancing myself. The action caused him to be immediately on edge as his eyes narrowed at me.

"Are you seriously still mad about me going out yesterday? I didn't even know the plans were that big of a deal. I figured it was just a chill dinner. Why are you making something out of nothing?" He demanded, annoyance clear as day in his voice.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" I asked, needing to confirm what I already knew.

"There are bits and pieces of the night. I know I fought with some dude, but I can't for the life of me remember who. Why?" He asked in confusion.

"What about a certain conversation between you and your friend?" I crossed my arms over my chest while my face hardened just thinking about what he'd said. His face scrunched up as he thought hard before both of his eyebrows raised as he looked at me.

Scar on my Heart (Carmichael Series #3)✔️Where stories live. Discover now