Worst Nightmare

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**I couldn't leave you guys hanging like that after you waited so long for an update. I hope you guys enjoy this second update because it's the last one you're getting until next friday!! Lemme know whatcha think in the comments!**

Evan's POV

I was hysterical as I tried prying the duct tape the rest of the way off of my hands, but I was only further tightening it against my skin. Tanner dropped his gun on the floor before bolting towards me and pulling out a swiss army knife. He cut the tape from my wrists before ripping the piece off of my mouth unapologetically. The towel left next as I struggled to gather my thoughts.

"W-what...why?" I demanded while looking into Tanner's eyes. He just smiled sadly before picking up my hand and fiddling with my engagement ring.

"That dumb bastard." He chuckled before picking up his phone and calling the police. I pulled my robe tighter around me as he continued to make numerous phone calls, all the while I sat in stunned silence next to the dead body.

It couldn't have been more than ten minutes before Scar came bursting through the door with a crowd of people behind him. My waterworks started back up as I dashed across the room before throwing myself at him. No one asked questions as he picked me up bridal style, my face never leaving the crook of his neck, and carried me to our bedroom.

He sat on the edge of our bed, cradling me against his chest as he continuously murmured shhs here and there to calm my tears.

"I'm so sorry, baby." He rasped out, voice full of pain. "Fuck, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have gone out. I should've just stayed home with you. I'm such an idiot." He sneered to himself. I pulled away from his chest as my tears began to subside.

"You're not an idiot, and this isn't your fault. Your father was probably watching me this entire time, just waiting for you to leave me alone. If it wasn't today, then it would've been another day." I spoke, seeing the knowing look in his eyes that told me he agreed with what I was saying, but he was still going to blame himself. I cupped his neck in my hand before pulling his face down for a kiss. Just him being here calmed all of my anxieties and fears. Well, that and the fact that the culprit couldn't ever sneak up on us ever again...

Moments later, there was a quiet knock on the door.

"Come in." Scar spoke while tightening his hold on my body. A guy I remember from the bar two nights ago peeked his head into the room looking the slightest bit nervous.

"The cops are here. They want to talk to your woman about what happened." He rushed out. Scar nodded once before reverting his attention back to me.

"Have you ever notice none of the people from the bar, or any of the people you hang around besides the three musketeers really, ever address me directly when they're talking about something that involves me." I inquired while gazing at the side of his face.

"That's because I told them they're not allowed to talk or look at you, and also your dad scares the fuck out of them all. And the three musketeers?" He questioned in confusion. I rolled my eyes at his answer.

"Cujo, Kreuger, and Beast." I explained. He just smirked before pulling me up so that I was standing. I made a move for the door, but he made a sound of protest that caused me to stop. He disappeared for a few seconds before reappearing with one of his own shirts. I couldn't help the annoyed look I gave him as he pushed my robe off and covered me with the piece of clothing.

"Much better. Now let's go." He affirmed before pulling me behind him by the hand. Walking back into the living room was like walking into a warzone. There was about twenty people spaced throughout the room between the paramedics, multiple cops, and Scar's friends. I felt the bile rising in my throat at the body covered by a sheet on the floor. It wasn't until Scar cursed under his breath that I followed his line of sight and saw Tanner sitting on the couch with his hands cuffed behind his back.

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