Chapter5: the girl laying on my couch.

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Suddenly i got an idea, i ran to my room and unplugged the hair dryer and took it and ran back down stairs.
I felt proud of myself and the idea i got.

I plugged it in the nearest power plug and looked towards the girl before i turned it on.
She's not gonna be warm if that jacket is still on her.
I put down the hair dryer and kept debating wether I should take it off her or not.
My intentions weren't bad i just wanted to help.
I kept that in mind as I hesitantly took of her jacket.
It was quite heavy cause it was soaked from the rain.
I went to hang it on the hanger by the front door.
I went back to the couch where the girl was laying.
I noticed her white shirt was see-through.
It was so awkward.
I tried to avoid looking at whatever her shirt revealed.
I quickly took the hair dryer and turned it on on the highest temperature.
I kept running it up and down her arms, hands, legs, feet, hair,etc.

I tried not to look, for the respective manner.
I mean she's a girl and she's alive.

I hope so.

A couple of hours later.
The rain hasn't stopped or decreased in anyway, it was only getting worse.
Who knew a thunder storm will come today.

I kept doing what i was doing over and over again.
My arm feels numb.
I kinda noticed her skin color has gotten back to normal.
I stopped and turned off the hair dryer and set it on the coffee table.
I sighed tiredly as i stretched my numb arm.
I went around the house trying to find something to cover her with and brought a small blanket and covered her.
So she stays warm.
And so she doesn't feel uncomfortable and embarrassed if she saw that her shirt was see- through.
As i was doing that i accidentally touched her face.
I flinched at how hot it felt.
Is that fever or is it because of the heat of the hair dryer.

I have no idea what to do now.

Every once in a while the windows will light up and thunder sounds were audible.

My hand went through my hair as i sighed.
'It's hard being nice and helpful, isn't it?'
I walked back and forth as I glanced at her everything once in a while.
Minutes later i hesitantly touched her forehead with only one finger.
i realized she's probably not gonna be awake any time soon because of her super high fever.
I went to the kitchen and filled a bowl with cold water to help cool down her fever and a small face towel.
Walked back to the living room, soaked the towel in the cold water and carefully put it on her forehead.

I never thought I'd ever be in a situation where i have to do this for someone, especially when it's for a stranger.
I was actually surprised and proud of myself that i didn't fail completely at helping someone.

I sat on the other couch, leaned my back on the soft pillows on the couch.

I kept glancing at the girl on the couch waiting for her to wake up or at least sense movement from her, I just wanted to make sure she's alive.

To be continued..

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