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Brief character introduction..

Y/n: 21 years old, college student.

Daehyun: 23 years old, college student and y/n's one and only closest best friend.

Andy: 14 years old, y/n's little brother.

These are the characters that need a little explanation.
There will be more characters appearing throughout the story.👍🏼

Let's start🙏🏼

Winter break just started, y/n wanted to have some alone time.
So she decided to go with daehyun's recommendation which was to travel to busan, daehyun's hometown.

The weather in busan was pretty cold this time of the year.
So she is packing warm clothes, hoodies, and sweaters, when her phone started ringing indicating an incoming call.
She looked over her shoulder to where her phone was, the screen displayed 'MOM❤️' on it.
She quickly put down the folded clothes she was holding and picked up her phone to accept the call.

"Hi mom, how are you?" She said cheerfully as soon as she answered the phone.

"Hi honey, we're all fine, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing great, no need to worry"

"So, you said your flight is tomorrow?"

"Yes, tomorrow morning"

"How long are you staying there?"

"Umm.. a week? or less"

"Alright, have fun, then don't forget to visit us before your break is over"

"I won't, do you want me to get you anything from busan?"

"No honey, i just want you to take care of yourself and be safe, and call us when you get there tomorrow, your dad is still at work so he couldn't call you, but he said to call him if you need money or anything else, alright?"

She chuckled a little "okay mom, i have to continue packing, take care, and say hi to dad and andy for me, love you"

"Love you too, bye honey"

"Bye mom"

Y/n's mom hung up.
Y/n threw her phone back on the bed before she got back to packing her things.

A second later it started ringing again.
She turned her head towards her phone to see who's name was displayed on her screen.
She sighed as she stood up and picked up her phone after she saw 'daehyunnie' displayed on the screen of her phone.

This chapter is pretty short😬
Next chapters are gonna be longer but this one is just to kinda test the waters before making the waves😉

I'll post the second chapter tomorrow which is gonna be longer.

Thank you for reading.😊
Please vote if you like it so far💗

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