Chapter41:Near but far.

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The song fits the story so I suggest you listen to it☝🏼

Y/n's POV..

As soon as I ended the call and got into my apartment i let out a breath I've been holding.

I just can't help but rethink what i had just done even though i know it's too late to do so.

I would've never done something like that, I'd normally just listen but maybe I never did because i know how much chance there is that my can would go through while hundreds of people are calling at the same time, zero.

Then I started panicking and pacing around my apartment like my feet are on fire with my hands covering my face hopefully to lessen my embarrassment.

I can't even believe that i was in my right mind when i called.

Even daehyun's wide eyes didn't get any smaller after i hung up, he didn't seem to believe that either.

Even after i got out of the car and took my suitcase then walked into the apartment building acting nonchalant while i wanted to smack myself in the forehead.

Once i got into my apartment i left my suitcase by the door and did the first thing I thought of... i smacked myself in the forehead and here i am pacing around in circles as I recalled my awkward impromptu speech.

I jumped and hit my elbow on the kitchen counter when my phone's ringtone suddenly echoed through the place.

I reached into my pocket and took it out as i rubbed my already red elbow while wincing.

I pressed the green button without even glancing at the screen properly.

"Hello?" I answered trying not to pant and sound weird.

"Hi." He said with a hint of relief and exhaustion in his voice.

I immediately knew who it was and not because he spoke korean.

I froze for a little then looked at the screen to see his initials 'jk'.

I didn't realize i held in my breath when i heard his voice and i could hear my quickening heart beats all the way up to my brain.

His voice sounded tired but it never failed to speed up my heart beats and send a shiver down my spine even though I didn't hear it in a week or so which seems like much longer.

I took a while to say something back, I'm just gonna say it's mostly because I didn't expect to talk to him again or text him much less hear his voice.

I pressed my phone against my ear to start speaking but i just kept opening my mouth to say something but nothing comes out.

"Y/n?" Jungkook said, obviously sensing my bewilderment and decided to start the conversation.

"Yeah?" I said then immediately grimaced at my own reply and how it sounded like a squeak.

"How are you?" He asked genuinely interested in knowing how i am and for some reason i can tell he's smiling which caused me to unconsciously smile as well.

"I'm good, you?" I didn't ask because he asked or because it's what you commonly ask someone after greeting them, i asked because i too, wanted to know how he was.

"I'm doing good too." He said and chuckled at the end making my smile widen.

Only then I realized what I've been feeling all along when i talk to him or think about him or remember the time i spent with him.

I miss him.

It sounds really simple compared to what i feel but maybe there's still something else I haven't figured out.

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