Chapter21: Let's go together.

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Y/n's POV..

I could hear someone yelling at his through the phone, he suddenly looked like his eyes are about to pop out of his skull.

I started to get nervous myself, this cannot be good.
His face says it all.

I was genuinely scared of what's gonna happen next cause his eyes kept widening the more he listened to what the person on the other side said... or yelled.
He was about to speak but then stopped, apparently he got hung up on.

He turned to face me with a terrified expression taking over his face.

"We should go" he spoke, his voice slightly croaky as he looked around cautiously.

I automatically started to look around us too "what? Why?" I asked bewildered.

He walked passed me as quick as lightning, I followed as he took large steps in front of me.

"What's wrong?" I called out from behind him while trying to catch up to him.

"Is there a problem? Jungkook?" I unknowingly kept bombarding him with questions as a weird unpleasant feeling creeps into my stomach.

He finally responded something that made me even more cautious.

"Just stop talking and walk faster!" He ordered roughly and I immediately cut off my voice.

I felt so small at that moment, i wished I wasn't even here.

Did all this happen only because I stupidly decided to just travel on my own thinking i was responsible enough and that I'll have fun.

When he yelled, I didn't know how to identify my feelings.
I don't like it when someone yells no matter what the reason is.

But when he did, I didn't expect it at all.
Maybe it has something to do with me and he's in trouble, and he finally realized that I'm a burden.

I looked down at my feet that were taking steps much faster than usual.

I have no idea where we're going or Why we're going.
The more time i spend here, the more I regret coming alone in the first place.

If I didn't come alone I wouldn't have spend the night of the thunderstorm in jungkook's house, I wouldn't have met him.

I'm not sure if it would've been a good thing, but I honestly felt slightly –or a little more than slightly– hurt by the way jungkook stopped me from talking roughly and almost yelling at me instead of answering normally.

I can't blame him though, I'm just a stranger that he's trying to be nice to but just keeps causing him trouble.

Then i felt the feeling I've been trying to suppress for a while now.
I felt so guilty for burdening him.

"I'll go back" i announced to him, i was about to slow down and turn to a different direction, even though i was almost completely positive that the direction we're currently taking is the direction to the hotel.

I thought he didn't hear me at first, but then he grabbed my hand while not even looking back at me "I'll take you wherever let's go together" he demanded a little softer this time.

I nodded as i walked a little faster to catch up to him, I didn't know where we walked since his figure is shielding what's in front of me. But i was convinced to stay and not go alone easily since I know I can't rely fully on myself.

I was consumed in the thoughts of where we're going and why we have to go together, not realizing that he didn't let go of my hand, like he wasn't sure whether to trust me to listen to him or not.

"What's happening?" I couldn't help but ask the question that's been going through my mind for a while now, i felt a little secure that he won't snap at me since he's calmed down now.

"I'll tell you later" he said as his walking speed kept increasing as we finally reached the entrance/ exit of the coastal walk.
We rounded the corner and my heart started beating faster and faster until it was about to break out of my rip cage when I heard buzzing of what seems like a lot of people.
And it got louder as we got closer.

I tightened my grip around jungkook's hand unconsciously as a reaction of seeing a contrast to the scenery we were taking pictures of.

Jungkook's POV..

I felt her hand tighten and stiffen it's grip around mine, i almost forgot that I hadn't let go of her hand.

I not only felt responsible for myself but for her to.
I unknowingly find myself trying to hide her behind me .

Hide her from all the cameras and devices that are being shoved carelessly in our faces.
Hide her from all the noise of people screaming and telling appropriate and inappropriate questions and comments at us.

To be continued..

Sorry this chapter is a little short but i might upload the next one in the next 2 days.

I hope you enjoyed it even though it probably wasn't that eventful since so many of you guessed right👍🏼😁.

Thank you so much for 80+ followers❤️
And all the reads and votes and comments😘

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