Chapter24: the dorm.

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Y/n's POV..

Jungkook became quiet for a second after his boss–i think– asked, causing me to look towards him anticipating the explanation he'll come up with.

I can't even explain what happened, all i know is that i 100% didn't expect anything like this to happen.

"You know you can be honest with me, jungkook" bang-pd reminds him gently.

Jungkook sighed before telling him everything, leaving a unnecessary details out, I rarely lifted my gaze from my hands as I fiddle with my fingers on my lap.

"So are you guys together?" He asked casually like he'll be fine with whatever the answer is.

I lifted my head abruptly to look at both of them to find jungkook looking at me for a split second before answering making my face heat up a little bit.

"No, we're not" answered jungkook just as calmly as he's been asked.

Bang-pd nodded while standing up "we're gonna have to release a statement regarding this soon".

Jungkook stood up too, followed by me.
"What are we gonna say regarding the pictures and articles?" He asked.

Bang-pd seemed in thought for a second "maybe.. we could say she's a staff member and that there is nothing going on. soon after, everyone is gonna forget about it" he answered like it was the simplest thing in the world.

Just before he left the room he turned around and faced me and I straighten up my posture.

"What's your name?" He asked in english.

I almost forgot that he doesn't know i can speak korean "my name is y/n, I'm from (c/n)" i bowed after I introduced myself in korean.

I can tell he's a little surprised by the way his brows rose slightly, he smiled at me and bowed back.

Then he looked towards jungkook "you should stay at the dorm at least until our statement is released" he ordered.

Jungkook nodded. bang-pd then looked at me "you too"  he said before he walked out of the room.

Leaving jungkook and i with wide eyes wondering if we heard right.


Jungkook unlocked the door with the keycard then pushed the it open and walked in like it's his house.

Well, it is.

I walked in behind him and closed the door, apparently since his group members are on break and he's supposed to be too, their dorm is empty and tidy, it's also very spacious and the furniture is cozy and comfortable looking.

I looked around as jungkook went around the corner somewhere and I followed him like a puppy.

He entered the kitchen and opened a cabinet and took out a big bag of chips, then opened the refrigerator to take out two cans of soda and offered me one.

"That's what's available at the moment, I'm gonna order food too, is there anything specific that you wanna eat?" He asked me as he walked out of the kitchen and sat on the living room couch.

I shook my head and opened my can of soda as i sat down on the couch.

After a few moments of silence and eating potato chips, he suddenly faced me looking a bit hesitant for some reason.

"I'm really sorry about all this" he said then looked down at the soda can that was held with both his hands.

I sat there quietly for a minute, mostly because I don't know what to reply with, i know why he's apologizing this time.

I'm pretty sure it's for the impromptu trip from busan to seoul, and for not even asking me if it was okay for me to come too, I didn't even bring anything except my crossbody bag.

Normally, i would be furious if that ever happened. But for some reason I'm not furious with him.

I looked towards him and he did too when he sensed my eyes on him.

"It's fine, it happened already" i smiled reassuringly at him and he returned the same smile.

"I still feel so bad though" i heard him whisper seconds later to himself, but i pretended not to hear what he didn't intend for me to.

"I'll call a nearby restaurant for dinner" he informed me after a full minute of silently munching on potato chips and slurping soda.

I nodded my head as i took out my own phone to check the time and to call my parents.

"Umm... I'm ordering ramen, do you want anything else?" He asked holding the phone to his ear.

"No it's fine, I'll get the same thing too" i said as i clicked on mom's name to call her, then i got up and went around the corner to the kitchen which is the only place in the dorm that i know besides the living room.

I sat on the kitchen stool then i heard her voice greeting me "hey honey! How are you?"

I smiled unconsciously realizing I haven't called my family in the last few days for obvious reasons.

"I'm fine, how are you and how's everyone?" I flipped the question so mom wouldn't ask anymore since I can't lie to her and I don't want her to worry and regret agreeing with me traveling alone.

"We're good, just missing you. I can't wait until you come back and visit us with daehyun" she said enthusiastically.

"He's with you, isn't he?" She asked.

"No, he hasn't come here yet" I don't even know if when he's coming or if he's coming at all.

"Eat well and take care of yourself" she reminded me like she always does.

And i smiled and nodded even though she can't see me.

"You too mom, say hi to everyone for me. I'm gonna have dinner and sleep I'm a bit tired today" I excused myself a little afraid that she would ask about other things I can't answer.

"Alright honey, sleep well and have fun. Love you" she said in her sweet voice.

"Love you too, mom" i smiled instantly feeling at ease.


"You can sleep in any of the other rooms since they're empty" jungkook told me after we had dinner and cleaned up the mess we made.

"I'll leave my door unlocked in case you need something, do you need anything else?" He said as he handed me a some clothes and a tooth brush.

"No, thank you, jungkook" I thanked him genuinely.

"Good night, y/n"

"Good night"

I then randomly entered the room facing jungkook's and changed into the comfortable clothes he gave me after brushing my teeth.

And i fell asleep as soon as i laid my head on the pillow.

To be continued...

Thanks for reading❤️
Hope you liked it😁
Exams are over🙌🏼
I'll update more now.

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