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Third Person's POV

"Just take the bed. I'm going to take the guest room." The green eyed goddess said as she puts her luggage down at their new home she was sharing with her so-called wife.

"But isn't the whole point of our marriage is to live and be together happily?"

"Look here, sweetheart. I am not accepting the fact that I am married to someone like you and I would rather live in a parallel world where I am not married to someone like you." Lauren said and her wife slowly nodded understanding what the Cuban was currently feeling since she was married to a complete stranger.

"Okay. Good night, Lauren." She said in a soft tone not even bothering on arguing with her since it was the night after their marriage and she knew the green eyed young woman would like some space for herself. She watched her Cuban wife puffed her cheeks a little in annoyance as she went to set her luggage by the guest room.

8 hours earlier

"What do you mean I can't see her? Dad! What does Mom mean?" The raven haired Cuban asked her cheeks flushed and her lips quivering in anger and she groaned in annoyance hating how unfair her parents were not even consulting her about this sudden arrangement that they made.

"Lauren. Enough! We are doing this for you and you are going out there and smile as you put on your best behavior." Her Father said with an angered look on his face and he knew they needed to do this.

Lauren made a face immediately reminding herself to thank Normani on convincing her to move out of the house to show her parents she can do things alone and she noticed another family she has seen on several parties that her parents attended to or throw whenever they had the time which they did all the time.

They sat on the round table and the green eyed woman was seated right beside the quiet girl who seemed to be sitting in a formal but uncomfortable way with her back straight.

"Lauren, this is (Y/N). You're betrothed." The pale Cuban widened her eyes not believing what she is hearing she was getting married to a complete stranger for her parents' stupid business and her face was completely red in anger as her nose flared indicating she was ready to burst at any moment now.

"My WHAT!? Since when!?"

"It's been decided a very long time ago when her father and I made that bet since I lost to him." Her father explained and (Y/N)'s father nodded in agreement leaving the green eyed woman shocked while (Y/N) only had a blank look on her face.

"I won't agree to this wedding!" Lauren said slamming her hand on the table as she stood up abruptly hating how her life was soon to be spent with a complete stranger and she pointed at (Y/N). "And you! You're okay with spending the rest of your life with a complete stranger like me!?" She practically screamed and her parents were glad they picked a private room in the restaurant just in case their daughter makes a scene.

"You're not a stranger to me." (Y/N) said calmly and she just gave off a small smile at her. "I know you pretty well, Lauren."

The raven haired girl widened her eyes not knowing what to say since the girl was strangely calm and seemed like to know her but she couldn't even tell who this mysterious yet odd person was.

"In 7 hours you two will be married." (Y/N)'s father said while his wife just ate quietly and (Y/N) just nodded not even showing a single shred of regret on her face. "No, I don't want to!"

"Lauren!" Her Father grabbed her wrist then excused them outside and he sighed at his daughter rubbing his temples in stress. "Look, I know you hate this but please bear with it."

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