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Third Person's POV

"Are you sure she's not home?" The short woman asked as the four girls entered the very living room and Lauren still couldn't shook the nervous feeling away when she was around her wife since that was the first time she had a very close conversation with her.

"Yeah, she's not home and she wouldn't care if you girls come over unnoticed." She said then sat on the couch and noticed Camila disappeared into the kitchen to get some more bananas.

"What's the emergency, Laur?"

"How long is the limit till you can have a divorce?" She asked the girls seriously and they widened their eyes then she sighed knowing she was making a mistake but she wanted to be with the one she truly love and know.

"Lo, are you really sure that's what you want to do?" Normani asked with disappointment laced in her voice and she sighed softly later on. "Do you think I like being married to her? You know that I want to marry—"the pale Cuban cut herself off and she bit her tongue stopping herself from mentioning her name to the girls.

"You want to marry her and no one else." Dinah said with a small smirk knowing their friend hasn't really gotten over her but what they didn't know is that Lauren wasn't going to give up on not seeing her beloved.

"Mila? Are you alright?" Ally asked as Camila was gawking by something outside and she had her eyes wide as saucers while blushing tomato red. The girls looked at what she was looking then noticed it was (Y/N) was by the pool dripping wet as beads of water flowed along her toned stomach and she was wearing her sports bra and some swim shorts.

The girls were now staring at (Y/N) who wrapped her waist with a towel then walked inside the house drenched and grabbed a glass of orange juice then smiled a little at them when they were all looking at her. "Did something happen?" She asked oblivious as to why they were staring at her like she was some piece of exhibit in the house then noticed how Lauren quickly looked away while blushing.

"I'll be out for a while girls. You can stay as long as you all want to accompany Lauren." (Y/N) said then bought out the warm pizza she had in the oven knowing the girls would stay long and she couldn't help but giggle quietly when Camila snatched the pizza then brought it to the girls.


(Y/N) waited for her to arrive and she was taking a small sip from her iced coffee that she ordered as she knew why she would call her over to meet up with her. She looked at the person who sat across from her and she wasn't stunned that she wanted to meet with her at a local café where no people would even go to.

"Why did you call me over?" She looked up to see her partner/boss come up to her with a smile on her face and she was quite surprise to even see her boss since they only met occasionally. "I'm calling you because of your girl. She keeps on being a hindrance on our work." The young business woman knew what she meant and she just nodded at her.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Make it clear to her. That you have no intentions to her." The Latina said and (Y/N) sighed softly later on. "You have such a brutal way of handling women, Sel."

"It's either that or I just quickly dispose of her don't you think?" (Y/N) just shook her head and she just flashed a small smile. "When do you think that girl will pop out for Lauren?" Selena asked while taking a sip of the coffee that arrived for her and (Y/N) could only grin.

"She will come out of her den very soon. I'm with someone she loves very much." The businesswoman answered knowing her target would soon come out and would pick fight but she was willing to be all that she's not just to finish her work as soon as possible.

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