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Third Person's POV

Lauren was dumbfounded and she was lost in a trance after hearing her wife say something that crushed her completely. She looked away when she had the courage to do so as a lump formed in her throat. The raven haired beauty held back the tears that were threatening to come out, she stood up and held her flip flops in her left hand. She couldn't bear to look at her wife who had nothing to do with her after everything ends.

"Lauren!" (Y/N) followed after stumbling a little when she got up, grabbing onto Lauren's hand and spun her around to face her. Her grip on the pale Cuban was firm, she had no intention of letting her go at all and she lets her struggle underneath her touch. "Look, it's not that I don't like you—"

"Then what is it!? What could possibly make you think about us separating?" Lauren didn't bother on keeping her voice down, tears streaming down her cheeks and her bottom lip trembling a bit. Her wife pulled on her bottom lip, her heart breaking from the sight. Lauren broke free from her grip after pushing her back and she kept hitting her chest repeatedly. "You're an asshole for leading me on, (Y/N)."

"Yes, I am an asshole. The asshole whose going to keep you safe even if I die trying."

(Y/N) lets her wife nuzzle her head on the crook of her neck, slowly wrapping her arms around her waist. She felt her heart beat fast when the pale Cuban lifted her head up, her eyes focused on hers slowly going down on her lips. Lauren never understood anything for the past couple weeks when she was with her, she felt frustrated, happy, nervous, and angry, etc. She felt the raven haired beauty's warm hands cupping both of her cheeks and their lips inches apart from one another.

"I'm in love with you, (Y/N)." She rasped out with a small frown on her face, her thumbs rubbing her cheeks and she pulled away out of panic only for (Y/N) to grab both of her hands. Her wife was caught off guard from the confession; she never realized the pale Cuban beauty would feel that way for her. She snapped out of her thoughts after a second as concerned green eyes were the first thing she focused on. "When did it start?"

"When we slept together, (Y/N)." Lauren responds in a whisper making (Y/N) smile when her wife became flushed after confessing. She couldn't help but giggle earning a glare from the flushed woman who hit her chest playfully and she cleared her throat. "I didn't know..."

"Of course, you didn't." (Y/N) chuckled softly hearing her wife speak to her with so much sass and pulled her other hand free to cup the Cuban's cheek. She felt her own heart about to beat out of her chest; she gulped nervously feeling her throat become dry each minute passes. Slowly she leaned in, closing in the space between the two of them and she stopped mid-way. "Are you going to kiss me or what, you tease."

(Y/N) scoffed playfully at her wife's sudden change attitude, closing the space between them and felt the softness of her wife's lips yet again. It was as if her whole world has stopped right at that moment, butterflies erupted in her stomach. Her hands roamed her body, starting from her back slowly down her ass giving it a light squeeze earning a throaty moan from her beloved. She moved to kiss her jawline, feeling her wife's hands resting on the back of her neck.

"(Y/N)! Lauren!" The two pulled away from each other with swollen lips from their little heated make out session, and both were extremely flushed. The two looked back to the tan Cuban who called out for them, standing at the balcony while catching her breath. (Y/N) didn't take it as a good sign, grabbing Lauren's hand she sprinted towards back the house with her. The young agent got inside seeing one of her friends all bloody while holding her left arm, face bruised terribly, her clothes itself were covered in dried blood.

"Ariana!" She quickly dashed towards her friend who almost hit the floor but caught her in the nick of time. Picking up the unconscious brunette carefully, placing her on the couch while Selena started to treat her wounds. Her frail body was terribly banged up, tears were threatening to fall from (Y/N)'s bright (E/C) and she walked out of the living room getting back to her room. Lauren stood there with a shock look on her face, walking up to the unconscious brunette, noticing her hand was clutching onto something. She gently lifts her hand up, taking the piece of paper from her hand and unfolding it with a photo falling out picking it up to see a woman who was tied up in a chair all bloody.

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