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A/N: There will be a sensitive topic here and if I offended anyone. Please skip this chapter if it will be offensive or triggering.

Third Person's POV

(Y/N) was surprised that Lucy would ask specifically for her, she knew she had to be on her guard once she switches with Kendall. She watched the brunette leave the room, going inside where (Y/N) was surveiling with her friend and boss; Selena. "Wait, (Y/N)! Once you go in there Lucy might—"

"She might play with me. I know, Sel. But if I don't do this none of us can have a normal life again." (Y/N) answered and Kendall opened the door for the young woman. "You and your heroic bullshit." Kendall joked with a smirk on her face causing (Y/N) to shrug while smiling and went inside the interrogation room after passing her.

"Finally! I get to meet my girlfriend's wife." (Y/N) wanted to punch the smug little smile off of Lucy's face and she just needed to prove the little bitch that she was in control at the very place. "Kendall said you wanted to talk to me. So, talk." (Y/N) said with a straight face and took a seat on the metallic chair.

"Gosh, you're so bossy. Well Demi's right anyways you're the typical muscle head while Selena was the leader and Demi was your hacker." (Y/N) never wanted to hear that she used to work for a demon like Demi and she sighed then crossed her arms. "Your point?"

"I couldn't believe that you'd have the balls to kill your own adoptive brother just for his stupid girlfriend." (Y/N) took the blame for her adoptive brother's death but not even Selena knew the truth behind it. She looked at Lucy's eyes seeing as she was so delusional and psychotic that she was about to talk about everything. "We are not here to talk about Luis or Valentine."

"Demi bragged it to me and to my other companions. How she was feared and looked upon before she joined your stupid group." (Y/N) clenched her fists under the table, she hated that anyone would talk crap about her and Selena. She breathes steadily and kept her eyes on a grinning lunatic. "Demi was so proud of me. She told me that I was finally one step closer to getting that wife of yours to remember everything." Lucy laughs maniacally and she tried to move her hands.

"Once that woman remembers who you are she'll rat you out and you'll rot and suffer." (Y/N) widened her eyes a little realizing what their plans were all along and she stood up after getting Lucy's file from the very steel table it rested on. She was already by the door, her hand holding the electrical doorknob that opened with the chosen interrogator. "You'll regret this (Y/N)!"

When (Y/N) went into Selena's office along with Cara and Kendall they had worried faces on at (Y/N) who seemed to be lost in her own little world. "(Y/N)? (Y/N)!" Cara called out snapping the woman who was deep in thought and she breathes out to calm her nerves.

"S-Sorry. Lucy just messed up my confidence." (Y/N) said honestly and she looked away from her concerned comrades. She heard the door open and shut close then felt someone hug her. She glanced to see it was Selena and she was surprised to have her good friend hugging her so tight. "Cara... Kendall... Go back to the interrogation room and put Vives in one of our advanced prison cells."

The two women walked out after nodding then made sure they had their privacy and the Latina looked at (Y/N). She pulled back and recognized the pain in (Y/N)'s eyes. "(Y/N), you know whatever you did back then will not mean anything now."

"Selena... You don't have any idea what I did before. Nobody knew and I plan to keep it that way." (Y/N) muttered and kept a straight face but her eyes showed the pain she had hold for so many years. Selena shook her head and took her friend's hand in hers. "(Y/N), I'll be here no matter what."

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