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Third Person's POV

(Y/N) drove so fast that she was able to beat the red light, slightly grazing the small car in front of her and didn't give a damn about some man coming out of the vehicle. She couldn't help but drive recklessly not even glancing at her mirrors as her very mind was only focused about Lauren who might see what she does as something to fear.

Her mind was so clouded that even she was at her speed limit, she soon arrived after 20 minutes, seeing Lauren be dragged out of the small diner and she saw her wife's facial expression. That gave her the push to walk up to Lucy, removing her helmet and swinging it across her cheek to leave a permanent damage on her face.

She glared at Lucy who was getting back up wiping the blood off her lip, putting up her fists and was ready to fight (Y/N) who also had both her fists up. Lauren shook in fear that her wife found out about Lucy, she wanted to stop the fight but there was something in her that prevented from doing so and she never knew (Y/N) could make such a scary face while fighting.

Lucy did the first move, taking a step forward and punching (Y/N) right in the nose. (Y/N) grinned and instead of moving back she charged at Lucy, taking her down on the ground.

She started to punch her one after the other while sitting on Lucy's stomach and the other girl just used her arms to cover her face. (Y/N) was slowly exhausting herself and when Lucy saw the chance she grabbed it pushing (Y/N) off of her, standing up then kicked (Y/N) multiple times on her stomach not even stopping. Lauren tried prying off Lucy but when she did she got shoved by her, giving (Y/N) a chance to roll back and stand up. (Y/N) spits off the blood coming out of her mouth and she knew her body was going to ache terribly but fought back, kicking Lucy right in the chest.

"Lauren!" (Y/N) walked up to her, holding her gently and tried to help her up but crouched down when the Cuban winced. She looked at Lauren to see her right cheek bruising and she had a busted lip she felt her blood boil but when Lauren held her hand she calmed down a little but Lauren saw Lucy pull out a knife. (Y/N) widened her eyes when Lauren pushed her aside and she widened her eyes seeing Lucy stab Lauren by the shoulder but Lucy had her eyes wide at what happened. "LAUREN!" (Y/N) shoved Lucy aside and picked up the pale Cuban who was gasping for air.

"Keep your eyes open, Lo. Please keep them open." Lauren last heard and she was enveloped by the darkness as she last heard (Y/N) call her out by her nickname.


(Y/N) was seated by the side of Lauren's bed, holding her hand in hers and kept watching her waiting for her to wake up. They had their doctor/agent check her which was Perrie who was still in the room along with their nurse Jade checking Lauren's vitals and excused themselves as soon as Selena entered the room. "(Y/N), you've been here for 2 days straight. Go home."

"I don't want to."

"(Y/N), I'm ordering you to go home as your boss." The Latina said again and (Y/N) stared at Lauren for 5 more seconds, slowly putting her hand back on the side then stood up. Her blood was still boiling at Lucy, she walked out of the room and went to her own room in the agency by the 5th floor as she wore one of her business suits. "So, did you find the answer for my question?"

"What is the most important thing in a group? It's not just trust. It's about being cautious, being calm and..."

"And?" (Y/N) looked at Hailee who was looking down then back up at her with her arms crossed, her side rested by the door frame. "And it's about knowing your people." (Y/N) nodded and grabbed her phone quickly saying to Selena that Hailee passed her final test with flying colors. "Go to Selena." She said simply and Hailee nodded as she walked out excusing herself from one of the top agents their company has ever had.

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