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Third Person's POV

"Where are you going?" The green-eyed woman asked who was by the kitchen holding her head and the other held the glass of water as she looked like she came from battle making the other girl raise her eyebrow in concern. "I was going to meet up with an old friend."


"An old colleague." (Y/N) answered not bothering on giving the raven-haired beauty an answer and she rolled her eyes at her wife who seemed to be too busy these past few days.

"An old colleague? Really? Can I meet your old colleague?" The young businesswoman didn't know why her wife was being so clingy thinking it might just be because of her hangover but she didn't mind.

"Why would you want to suddenly come along?" She asked and the hung over young woman just shrugged as she was pouting a little still hurting from the thumping of her head. "I was just bored since I have nothing to do and I'll just be here."

"I suppose but we'll just have to do the introductions by the restaurant. When my friend is free, okay?" Lauren could only nod in agreement making her wife who was closing to getting out by the door worry and she was hesitating whether to go or take care of her wife?


(Y/N) was taking care of Lauren's hangover and she made her wife rest by her own room as the pale Cuban told her to just go but the young businesswoman couldn't leave her alone so she called up Ally to take care of her since Normani, Dinah and Camila was busy for the day apparently the dark-skinned beauty was in duty of taking care of the tan Cuban and the tall Polynesian.

"Thanks for coming over on such short notice." (Y/N) said to the short woman who was gestured to come inside with a radiant smile on her face and the young businesswoman leaded her to her wife's room as Lauren was curled up in a ball while sleeping peacefully and (Y/N) looked at Ally.

"If you need anything or if anything happens at all. Just call me and I'll answer right away." She said and Ally nodded then smiled at her. "Don't worry too much about her, (Y/N). She'll be alright." She reassured the other young woman who seemed to be dressed casually which was a first for her since this was the first time she's seen (Y/N) in nice fitted jeans and a simple blue tee and white converse and her hair tied in a bun with sunglasses dangling on her shirt.

"Okay, I'll see you girls later." She said and she waved at them then took her leave after wearing her dark sunglasses then head inside her car.


"You know you could've just stayed here with your wife so you could get to know her." Ally said with her arms crossed and watched her pale Cuban friend lay on the bed tiredly.

"I don't want her near me." She said softly not wanting to admit to herself that she was slowly having second thoughts on what she thought about (Y/N) and she shook her head gently.

"Lauren, why do you still hold on to Lucy?" The short woman asked and the green eyed woman who shot a glare at her friend suddenly sat up. "You're going to seriously ask me about that?"

"Lauren that woman may have been there back in the good old time but can't you see it? She rarely gives any time for you even before you were married! (Y/N) might be a stranger to you but you shouldn't judge anyone so quickly without knowing them." Ally said and Lauren rolled her eyes at her friend hating how she must listen to her lectures but she did give a good point.

"Ugh, fine! I'll try to give it a shot!" The green eyed woman said not wanting to fight with her best friend and she sighed softly later on knowing her friend wouldn't stop nagging at her. She grabbed her phone and she started to text someone causing the Latina who was sitting right beside her become curious.

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