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Third Person's POV

Lauren woke up in a cold sweat, feeling her whole body shiver from what she just dreamt about and she stood up getting some water at their small fridge. The emerald eyed beauty took a cup of cold water; taking a deep breath putting her cup back on top of the small fridge "Lauren?" Selena muttered as she woke up in the middle of the night, rubbing her tired eyes and yawned softly.

"Yeah? Sorry, I just couldn't sleep." Lauren muttered and Selena looked at her straight at her very face. "Look, I know you're worried about (Y/N) but she'll be fine."

"How can you be sure? We're locked up in here in this god knows what kind of place while (Y/N) is out there." Selena understood how frustrated, tired and worried the emerald eyed Cuban must have been for waiting for her own wife. "I never knew you cared that much for (Y/N)."

"I never really cared about her before... (Y/N) treated me nicely but I just treated her like a stranger and hated her while she did nice things for me." The emerald eyed woman released a small breath and remembers how awful she was to (Y/N) which made her wince softly. "She's always the one to do thing around the house and did even the cooking. I wasn't like a wife. I was more like a freeloader."

"Maybe you can change it when she gets back? I'm sure she'll love it so much coming from her own wife." Selena said and Lauren nodded since she wanted nothing more than to please her own wife. She lied back down and sees Selena get back to bed while she stared up the ceiling, remembering the time she took care of her own wife.


"(Y/N), please just go back to bed." Lauren said and (Y/N) stared at her as she noticed how the emerald eyed woman was close to crying. She lied back down and didn't fight her wife back; she didn't like seeing her own wife crying as it broke her own heart seeing her cry. "I'm kind of hungry." She said and Lauren grabbed the tray she had for her putting it beside her, feeding her.

(Y/N) ate it all but before Lauren could leave and grab the tray; she pulled her close when she grabbed her by her wrist, making their faces close to each other. "Thank you, Lauren. I loved the food." She said and she leaned in then kissed the pale Cuban's cheek gently. Lauren rushed out but swore she heard (Y/N) mumble something and she breathes heavily after running out with the tray in her hand, feeling her heart beat faster.

Lauren looked at the bracelet she had kept for some reason, not remembering where she even got it but knew it had some value and she breathes heavily. She touched her cheek feeling some familiarity underneath (Y/N)'s touch and she didn't know why but she loved the feeling.

Flashback End


(Y/N) felt her wound ache as she slowly stood up, feeling her own body have its own struggle on keeping herself balanced and looked around for Ariana as they were going to go on foot. She jumped up when she noticed Ariana who waved at her; she followed her and made sure to move the fireplace leaving no evidence.

"Ariana, how long have you known that I was going to follow Demi?"

"Cara didn't tell me but your wife's friend did." (Y/N) widened her eyes not even knowing her wife's friend were apart of another secret organization and she didn't even want to know. "Who?"

"Ally Brooke." The Italian said while fixing their ride which was a black polished 4 wheel truck and she opened the driver's door, getting in then started the engine. (Y/N) got in and groaned in pain as she looked at the time. "So you married her, huh? How'd that happen? I remember you always having a thing for the other Cuban; Camila."

"I liked Camila as a friend but Lauren is something else." (Y/N) said with a small smile and she looked at the road after buckling her seatbelt along with Ariana as she drove downhill then to the freeway. "Ah, yes. The mysterious girls. I forgot you liked those kind and that you like the green eyed ones."

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