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(A/N: Double update for you all since I love you all so much 😘)

Third person's POV

Lauren was up and early to get to the kitchen as she made herself a bowl of cereal seeing as her wife was nowhere to be seen. She sighed softly in annoyance having only little time with her girlfriend last night since she had an important matter to attend to and it bugged her even more when she was left alone.

"You're having cereal for breakfast?" She jumped up a little in surprise seeing her wife who just came in leaning against the counter as she sat down beside her. The green eyed Cuban noticed she was in her sports gear and she couldn't help but stare noticing the beads of sweat trickling down her neck to her chest as she soon turned her attention to her breakfast.

"Yeah, why do you care?" The raven haired beauty rasped out and she didn't mean for her sassiness to come out harsh but the other woman wasn't fazed by it. Instead, she grabbed herself a bowl then poured cereal, starting to eat when she was quiet.

"How did your evening with Ally go?" (Y/N) asked with curiosity as she did notice how different her wife's mood was and she was betting it was the doing of Lucy.

"It was okay." Lauren replied in a flat tone while playing with her food mindlessly and (Y/N) thought she might be able to spend the day with the green eyed Cuban since the company didn't call her in for any emergencies since she always did let her secretary handle the light tasks.

"Do you have any plans for today?" The green eyed woman shook her head then turned her attention to her wife who was chewing her food thoroughly and the young business woman turned her head to look at the pale Cuban as she gave off a small smile.

"Then finish up and get changed. We're going somewhere." She said and (Y/N) picked up her bowl only to place it in the sink when she was done.

"Are you leaving me in a deserted place? Then I wouldn't mind." Her wife rasped out and shoved a spoonful of cereal in her mouth.

"I wouldn't do that to my beautiful wife. I am not that cruel, Lauren."


(Y/N) was in her room and she was getting changed as she caught her phone ringing seeing it had no caller I.D, grabbing it without hesitation then answered the call.

"About that one you wanted me to follow; Lauren, right? You're right she did meet up with her and things weren't even that exciting to watch."

"Really? Nothing happened at the time?" (Y/N) suddenly stopped moving when she was almost done getting dressed after coming out of the bathroom she had in their master bedroom but now she had it all to herself since her wife refused to share a room with her wife.

"Yep, except for Lucy quickly dashing out the place when she received this phone call."

"Okay. Thanks for the tip, Cara."

"You owe me and get that babe's number for me! One you had with you when you came over to meet me before!" (Y/N) snickered and she shook her head playfully cracking up at Cara's playgirl side.

"I'll see what I can do for you to date the gorgeous Kendall. Bye."


"Where are we even going?" Lauren asked for the 7th time in the car, slowly getting in (Y/N)'s nerves but kept her cool by keeping her eyes on the road ignoring the pale Cuban's questions for several times now and she soon stopped by the beach. "Why are we here?"

"Will you please stop asking questions?"

"I'll stop if you tell me why you're taking me to the beach." The green eyed woman said with her arms crossed as the two married couple got out of the car while (Y/N) was looking out at the scenery. Lauren kept her arms crossed in displeasure and annoyance.

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