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Third Person's POV

"(Y/N)? Your woman is gonna kill you if you drink another bottle of whiskey."

"You're gonna rat me out, Gomez?" (Y/N) arched an eyebrow right at her and tried to keep up the serious look on her face. The two women smiled at each other, lifting up their glasses and clinked them together for a toast. "Only if you can stay sober for when I drive you home after this."

"I don't think my 4th bottle of whiskey could get me that drunk."

When (Y/N) was driven home, she had made a bit of a stink in her good friend's car and did nothing but sing in an off-tone. She was at the front porch of her house, the Latina knocked on the door while trying to keep her friend still whose arm is wrapped over her shoulder. "Thank god, you're home!" She exclaimed exasperated to see (Y/N)'s girl standing by the doorway in her fine silky robe with her mouth flung open.

"Selena, I told you not to get her drunk!"

"What was I suppose to do? She insisted on drinking a fourth bottle!" By that time, the woman in the fine robe had the complexion of her fine robe. She groaned in frustration as the two were suppose to celebrate their 1 year anniversary together and she helped Selena pull (Y/N) inside, laying her down on the couch. "Thank you for bringing her home, Selena." She smiled softly at the Latina who just smiled back then left the place and closed the door behind her.

She felt the a soft warm touch on her hand, opening her eyes slowly to get a better look and sat up to lean in giving the woman a peck on the lips. "I love you, Lauren."

"You mean that?"

"I don't joke with that kind of thing." (Y/N) smiled at the pale Cuban and wrapped her arms around her waist. "(Y/N), did you meant your vows at our wedding ceremony?"

"Of course, I did. Why would I lie about that?" The raven haired beauty brings her hands up to her wife's face, cupping her cheeks with the use of the palm of her hands. Leaning up close to inhaling the nauseous scent, her breasts pressed up against her flushed wife's torso and gave her a perfect view of her cleavage. "You're drunk, (Y/N)." (Y/N) whined with a pout on her face and leaned down leaving trails of light kisses down her neck.

"(Y/N)." Her wife muttered in a not so serious tone as (Y/N) started to suck on her skin, making her bit her lip in response. (Y/N) sees her wife pull away leaving her drenched in her own panties, watched her wife run away to the direction of her room. "Oh, come on!"

She got up from the couch, following her wife towards their room and pushed the door open. Her mouth started to water at the sight of her wife laid down on her back on the bed without her robe and was left only in her red lace lingerie. Her lips becoming even more alluring with the help of the red lipstick she had on. "Are you just going to gawk at me or are you gonna get over here and fuck me?"

(Y/N) swallowed hard at the dirty talk her wife was giving to her, she wets her lips a little with the use of her bottom lip. She begun crawling on top of her resting her hands on each side of her head. Her head lowering down and pressed her lips against the pale Cuban's neck earning a whimper in return. "What happened to not getting any?"

"Shut up and make love to me, (Y/N)."

Lauren grabbed her wife's hands guiding them to her breasts, she started to palm them gently feeling her erect nipples from the thin cloth on it. Her hands made their way towards her back, unhooking her bra and pushed it off of her slowly. "You like them?" The green eyed beauty asked in a deep sultry voice and pulled her close to smash their lips together turning into a heavy make out session, their tongues intertwining fighting for dominance.

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