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Author's note:

Thank you for making this book reach almost 20k reads! ❤️❤️ I'm glad ya'll like my story!

Lauren's POV

"Lo, can you get the door?" I hear Camila say since she was in the bathroom probably drying her hair off and I was the only one who was in the living room sitting down while Ally was sleeping in her room. A groan was my response but pushed myself off from my comfy position by the new couch Ally just got. Making my way over to the door, internally hoping it would be (Y/N) as I've been kind of missing her. My hand was just set on the silver doorknob, turning it and pulled the door open only to be greeted by a figure, a mask covering the face.

"Lauren Jauregui?" I couldn't utter one word for the person but by the sound of the stranger's voice it had to be a woman behind it, she sounded so familiar but decided not to react. Out of fear, nodding was the only answer I could possibly give. The masked woman pointed a gun at my direction and by instinct I moved back inside slowly. Her thumb pulled the trigger, hearing nothing but the sound of my footsteps and the woman's. "Where's the fucking bracelet?!"

Again no sound came out from my mouth as my gaze focused right at her familiar brown eyes, and felt the gun rested on my forehead. I couldn't think straight and couldn't remain calm especially if this masked woman was pointing her gun at my forehead. "I... I don't know!" I managed to say that out loud and the first thing that came into my mind was to call (Y/N). "Stop fucking around, Jauregui."

"I-It's there." Pointing her to my purse that was by the counter and watched her walk to get my purse while I pulled my phone to call on (Y/N) and when she answered, I secretly pushed my phone back in my back pocket. Grabbing one of the vases and smashed it behind the woman's head, seeing her body fall down hard. "Girls!" I shouted frantically while breathing heavily at what was happening, and seeing Camila running towards where I was with Ally following beside her.

"Who the hell is that??" The Mexican-Cuban asked with panic laced in her voice and sees Ally approaching the unconscious woman, using her foot to poke her. "Is she dead?" the short blonde asked but was surprised when the masked woman grabbed her foot and pulled her down. I quickly grabbed the gun while Camila pushed off the masked woman who was strangling Ally with her bare hands; the pale Cuban was shaking as she pointed the gun right at the woman.

"You don't have the guts, Jauregui."

That was the last thing I heard before gunshots were fired from outside. The ringing in my ears was deafening, and my eyes were wide open as I got pushed down by Ally along with Camila who was bleeding badly by her right leg. I saw Ally get shot in the shoulder when she tried to reach for the gun that I dropped, she fell right down and I could hear a faint sound of Camila shrieking at the sight. I couldn't move at all even when I wanted to help my friend soon enough I was consumed by the darkness.

I opened my eyes only to see myself in a room, I tried to move but I felt a sharp pain coming from my stomach and I looked down only to see myself in my black lacy bra. The first thing that surprised me was a huge gauze with blood stain in it that was on my upper stomach by the right side, slowly I tried to push myself up only to see a familiar face walk up to me. "You should lie down."

"Where am I? And what happened?"

I was ecstatic that I saw (Y/N)'s face and that she helped me and the girls out. I shouldn't be happy about seeing her! She lied to me. And yet, I couldn't look away from (Y/N) since she looked really hot standing in her white long dress shirt, blue skinny jeans and black combat boots with her hair tied into a mid-high ponytail. She walked up to me slowly and she sat down at the edge beside me.

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