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Third Person's POV

(Y/N) was at home with Lauren but this time they had Cara and some people from HQ on standby as they occupied the empty house next door. (Y/N) checks the time and noticed it was past 10 already. The young agent thought it was a little excessive to have people by the HQ to watch over them and she looked up from her screen since Lauren was quite busy fiddling with her bracelet.

"Why do you wear that?" (Y/N) asked her wife who seemed to be focused on the bracelet and Lauren shrugs in reply. "I just know that it's important."

The young agent started to work back on her laptop again and finished a full research on Lauren's ex-girlfriend; Lucy Vives. Lauren didn't try to peek at what her wife was doing but she knows that it was pretty important judging by the look on her face. "What are you working on?" She asked curiously but the young agent soon sets her laptop to sleep mode when she was finished.

"Um, (Y/N)? How did you know about Lucy?"

"Lauren, I'll be honest. I've seen how you tense up whenever you lie and how you pause for a minute to make something up." The young agent said with a small smile on her face and she chuckled softly seeing the pale Cuban blush in embarrassment.

"H-How long did you know?" (Y/N) started to think about how long she knew about it and she smiles innocently. "Ever since the girls always came over to see you." Lauren was about to explain and apologize for it.

"But I wouldn't blame you. You were married to a complete stranger like me. I would've probably done the same thing and fooled around with someone too while being married"

Lauren clutched her fists and hated the way (Y/N) made it sound like she was even cheating on her. The pale Cuban stood in her seat and walked over to where (Y/N) was sitting as she slapped her across her cheek. "Fuck you, (Y/N)! You always do these things! You act like a decent human being and manage to sound like a total bitch in the end. I don't know why I even agreed on marrying you when you talk crap like this!"

(Y/N) looked at her wife and sees her face red with anger and her eyes watery. She didn't mean to hurt her but she was only hurt to the fact that Lauren would still think of Lucy even after getting stabbed and used by her. The young agent walked up to Lauren and she pulled her in a hug while the pale Cuban struggled from her touch.

"No!" Lauren pushed her back and she moved back feeling the counter touch her back. She stood on her ground and she glared at (Y/N). "You don't get to blame me on cheating when you were out with a girl on a wheelchair!"

(Y/N) widened her eyes now realizing that Lauren knew about Veronica Iglesias and she sees the emerald eye Cuban wipe her tears. "So, you think I was cheating on you?"

"I know you were too!"

The young agent had gritted her teeth and she walked up to Lauren, wrapping an arm around her waist. She grabbed her right hand when she was about to slap her across the cheek. She looked at the flushed Cuban since her face was close to hers. "You're denser than I thought, Lauren."

(Y/N) didn't care what would happen even if people from the HQ can see them through the windows with their scope. She leaned in close enough inhaling Lauren's signature vanilla scent with their bodies pressed against each other and she kissed her firmly but passionately. (Y/N) felt the Cuban's lips move along with hers a few minutes later on as both of their eyes were closed. (Y/N) loved the way Lauren's lips tasted and she couldn't help but want more as her hand slowly went down her lower back to caress her ass.

"W-Wait, (Y/N)!" The pale Cuban managed to say and push her back a little. She widened her eyes when (Y/N) suddenly pressed her lips against her neck, she tilted her head back and she lets out a soft whimper. Lauren bit her bottom lip trying to keep herself silent but (Y/N) made it impossible for her to stay calm feeling her body be controlled underneath (Y/N)'s touch.

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