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Third Person's POV

(Y/N) watched Hailee look around while sitting on the couch as she made the perfect excuse as to who she is in case Lauren asks, she needed to be careful and she was not going to risk a clueless Cuban know what she does. She walked over to Hailee and placed a glass of water on the coaster in front of her by the coffee table.

"When my wife comes and asks you tell her your first name then tell her you're my relative." (Y/N) said and the young recruit nodded as she took the cold glass of water as she took a sip while the young businesswoman wondered her wife was but not that she minded that she was out of the house.

"Um, Ms. (Y/L/N)? How long have you been working with Ms. Gomez?"

"Since I was 16. She was like my sister and we always had each other's backs."

"But how did you get the nickname Reaper?" (Y/N) sighed softly knowing the young girl deserved to know the truth since she is their new recruit and she looked at her when she crossed her legs by the couch.

"Yo, check it out it's the weirdo." One of the guys in the group by her school muttered and it was lunch as it was only them at the back of school and (Y/N) would always go out alone to catch some air.

The boys would always do something to humiliate her back in high school but that day wasn't one of her best days as she had a fight with her only best friend and things didn't work out this time because of some girl.

"Yo, nerd! Heads up!" The guy threw a football at her way and (Y/N) felt her vision slightly darken when she was hit right by the head as she looked at the guys who laughed their asses off when they hit her head.

(Y/N) balls her hands into fists having enough of everything and she glared at the guys, getting up quickly not even caring about her head ache, grabbing the guy who purposely hit her with a ball by the collar. She pulled him close to her making sure their faces were close to one another and she gritted her teeth.

"Try that again, pretty boy. I dare you." He didn't flinched but instead he mocked her and he smirked. "Ooohhh, what's the almighty nerd about to do?"
She finally snapped soon enough and pushed the guy to the ground punching him repeatedly as the others tried to help him out but they were scared of the young (Y/N) who had bloodshot eyes and looked like a wild animal out for blood.

(Y/N) kept punching the young man almost beating him to death and she only stopped when she received a hard punch across her cheek as she hissed in pain while holding on her cheek coming back to her senses when she sees it was a fellow student who punched her.

"Why did you punched me!?" (Y/N) stared at the Latina who stood over her then crouched down to her eye level and tilted her head at her.

"You're strong but you have to use your head a little bit more." (Y/N) hated how the Latina told her how she didn't used her head even if it was the truth but her anger was seeping through and she wanted to punch the people who have been making fun of her whole life.

"I could help you out." The other girl hesitated on the offer but the dark haired girl seems to know what she's talking about and she looked at the hand that was extended out to her as she took it after carefully thinking about it.

"I'm Selena but call me Sel. You are?"

"(Y/N)." She replied in a monotone voice and she knew it was the start of something new when she met that Latina as she turned her back on her normal life.


"You were in a gang?" Hailee asked and (Y/N) nodded simply as if it was nothing that she was in a gang before that's why she got stuck with the nickname she had now. "Selena and I started it but things got hectic since there were only three of us. Selena, me and Demi."

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