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Third Person's POV

"I-- I can't do that, Vero!" She didn't want to leave a friend behind who was willing to put their necks on the line, seeing her stay at wretched place wouldn't be right. She grabbed Veronica's hand once they got past the guards that nodded at Vero whenever they would see her. She found it kind of disappointing for her friend to fall for the person who didn't even treated her like human.

"Does Selena knows?" The brunette shook her head 'no' as the two of them were the only ones in the elevator going to the transportation floor to escape. "You take my motorcycle, (Y/N). They won't be able to track it."

"Veronica, I can't just leave you here."

"We both know I won't leave Lucy alone." (Y/N) was frowning behind her mask and helmet. She was about to remove it but the brunette stopped her, her gaze pointing at the direction of the camera that was in the elevator. She just nodded in response, getting to the transportation floor and walked out of the elevator with the brunette who walked her up to the motorcycle by the corner.

"Vero, thank you for everything."

(Y/N) opened her eyes wide from her nap and she cleared her throat soon enough. She has been living in a shitty apartment, took a job at a gas station under a fake name and made sure she had a couple of decent clothes to wear. It suddenly hit her, she's been in hiding for a couple of weeks as she needed to lay low from being detected by Demi and Luis. There were multiple times where she would go by the bar alone after working the whole night shift.

"Yvette? Pay up for rent." She groaned when she hears her fake name be called by the annoying voice of her landlord's son who hits on her all the time even though she constantly reminded him that she's married. "Alright! Alright!" She answered grumpily while wearing her baggy shirt.

She swung the door opened and revealed a young man who had blonde locks, deep brown eyes, pointed nose, thin lips and a defined jawline. She often noticed his medium build, smooth light skin and knew he was a catch but she wasn't even interested no matter how hard he tried to ask her out by having her rent be paid earlier than the rest. "Listen, I know this incredible pizza place we can go to sometimes."

"I told you before, Flynn. I will never be interested."

"Oh, come on. One date!" (Y/N) rolled her eyes internally but managed to give off a forced smile, handing out the exact amount of her pay for rent. She locked up her door after pushing the boy back gently, her keys pushed in her pocket and her back pack slinged on her arm. "Mind if I give you a lift to work?"

She knew very well of his antics, a young man who often used his money to get girls to like him. There were times that even her own landlord treated her like crap after finding out that her son likes (Y/N). Her legs dragged her towards the motorcycle she always kept at the back. Ignoring the calls she heard from the blonde boy who she wanted to get away from before she sees her landlord giving her the stank eye.

"Yvette! Just have this instead." He ran over to her trying to cover up the embarrassment puffing up his chest to make it seem like he's alright. "I um, I actually thought you'd like to use it sometimes?" (Y/N) was quite surprised she was being hand over a brand new iPhone and she turned off the engine to look at the nervous boy seriously.

"Flynn, how much is this?"

"Just— Just half of my personal savings." The surprised woman couldn't process what she had just heard and cleared her throat trying to handle the situation in a calm matter. "Flynn, you are a very nice young man. But A.) I'm pretty sure I am more than 5 years older than you. B.) you are a graduating senior in high school. C.) I'm married." She hands the phone back feeling like the boy was in a heavy infatuated state and she didn't want to deal with anymore extras in her life.

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