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Third Person's POV

The next day, (Y/N) didn't bother to talk to her land lord but left a note by their door, taking all her belongings from her apartment and leaving her key by the old creaky table in the kitchen. The only person she regret leaving in town was her co-worker; Holden. She had already left a letter for him at work, not even bothering to tell her boss that she quit because he wasn't even around much to see his employees. Her eyes was set on the road, zipped up her jacket and made sure her helmet was on.

"Yvette? Are you going to work?" She looked up to see her friend's boyfriend; Owen who was about to go up to her apartment, she mentally cursed for moving too slow and had to come up with a good lie. "No, Owen."

"Where to?"

"To travel." (Y/N) didn't want to stay anymore longer than she has to but sees Owen nodded slowly in response which was weird. "Does Holden know about this?"

"Tell Holden that I'm grateful for his help." She said faking the crack in her voice, taking a deep breath and she forces a smile. "Aw, don't worry about it. I'll pass the message to Holden." (Y/N) just nodded with a small smile on her face, starting up the motorcycle and as she was about to drive off she felt someone hit her by the back of her head.

(Y/N) slowly regained consciousness to see herself laying down the couch; she looked around to see herself in a quaint apartment and noticed a figure appear by the kitchen. She slowly sat up only to be handed a glass of water and felt the couch sink in beside her. "I swear you and your weird fake name."

"Yvette is not a weird name, Ariana." She answered with a hoarse voice and cleared her throat. She didn't know how the Italian found her, she was sure and very much careful on every movement she did. "How the fuck did you even find me?"

"An old friend of mine contacted me and told me you were hiding in his town." (Y/N) face palmed with a groan escaping her lips, pulling her hands off her face and realized who she meant. "It's Owen, isn't it?"

"You were always a quick work, (Y/N). And yeah, he told me the same week his boyfriend started talking to him about this new girl in town called Yvette and when you met with him. He contacted me right away and I asked him to keep an eye on you until you came back." She grabbed the glass of water chugging it down with her eyes looking around the room till she stopped to look at her friend who was only in an oversized hoodie that barely covered her black lacy underwear underneath. "So, what are you going to do?"

"First, can you wear some pants? Second, I need to get the bracelet from Lauren."

"One step ahead of you, (Y/N)." She grabbed (Y/N)'s hand, giving her what seemed to be the bracelet and the brunette stood up from her seat to walk over to walk in a room. "Why do you have this?"

"Well, I actually had to steal it from Lauren yesterday. Your wife is so possessive with her belongings." She heard her friend's answer while clutching the bracelet in her hands, smiling at the thought of her wife. "Where are they?"

"They're alright. Selena said she accompanied them with some security surrounding them."

"That's better than having her in this problem." (Y/N) wore the bracelet, pushing her hair to the back while Ariana emerged from the room with denim pants on. She grabbed her phone that was placed on the kitchen counter top, realizing it was vibrating with an anonymous number on it. "Hello?" She answered putting it on speaker for (Y/N) to hear who was grabbing her jacket.

"Hello, Ariana! Be a good girl and tell me where (Y/N) is?" The two women froze when they realized whose voice it was from the phone, (Y/N) got up from her seat and walked up quietly to where Ariana stood, gesturing her to be quiet as she puts her index finger on her lips. "Oh, and tell (Y/N) to not bother escaping anymore unless she wants to see everyone alive."

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