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Third Person's POV

"Can you believe it!? She had the nerve to be all touchy and flirty with (Y/N) when that girl knows she's clearly married!" Lauren started to rant to her friends who she was face timing with over her laptop but was annoyed seeing the girls grin at her especially Ally.

"Admit it, Lo. You care for her." Lauren widened her eyes not knowing what she was thinking; she was confused and jealous as she didn't know she was already ranting to her friends about (Y/N).

"No, I-I'm just saying it isn't appropriate to be all touchy with someone else when you're already married!"

"Uh-huh." Dinah said with a smirk on her face as Normani was giggling seeing how flushed Lauren was on her excuse and Camila rolled her eyes while smiling.

"Look, Laur! You gotta be honest with yourself. You totally care and you wouldn't be ranting neither be frustrated with (Y/N), if you didn't really care!"

"Shut up, Camz!" the pale Cuban was never really honest with herself on how she really felt about (Y/N) since she was never acting this way around Lucy, does she care for (Y/N) more than Lucy?

"Look, I have to go. See you girls later." Lauren ended the call before Dinah could tease her about how she really felt about (Y/N) and she looked at (Y/N)'s room only to find her room empty. She looked around and heard water running in the bathroom; she didn't know where to move when (Y/N) came out only in her towel showing her fit body.

"Oh, hey Lauren." She said casually and Lauren looked away when she found herself staring at her wife's body. "H-Hey." She managed to get out and she walked away to answer the door hearing someone knock.

"Hi there, is (Y/N) home?" She moved back after opening the door and she looked at the British blonde who wore sunglasses with a slim body seeing as she was a perfect ten. How the hell does her wife know so many gorgeous women!?

"Uh, yeah. She's getting changed."

"Really? I'll just wait for her."

"C-come in." Lauren stuttered not wanting to be a bad host and she watched the blonde go in then stands in the middle of the house removing her shades, revealing her gorgeous blue eyes putting her shades in the pockets of her jacket.

"You're Lauren, right?"

"Um, yes. How do you know me?"

"I'm actually friends with (Y/N) and she and I go way back." Lauren rolled her eyes mentally and she hated the fact that so many gorgeous women knew (Y/N). She wondered if her wife was running a club or really working on a company.

"Cara?" (Y/N) came down in her black tank top looking sexy with her sweatpants, giving the blonde a hug while Lauren glared daggers at the blonde. She excused herself by going to the market and buying herself something sweet to eat as she took the car.


"You have one hell of a protective wife." Cara said and (Y/N) nodded with a laugh escaping her lips as she smiled at the blonde. "Yeah, she wouldn't let me escape either."

"Yeah, I heard from Selena."

"So, you know that Valentine is back?" Cara nodded and she rubbed the back of her neck feeling pity for her friend that she can't even do anything right now since Selena sent Cara to watch over her.

"About that... Selena sent me here to stay with you."

"What?!" (Y/N) couldn't believe it she was being protected or being watched rather by her own friend courtesy of her old partner. She groaned and she laid her back on the couch hating, how sneaky and yet protective Selena was when it came to these kinds of things with her.

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