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Third Person's POV

The raven haired beauty's eyes were focused on the road, her mind was filled with so many things and most about her wife who had gone only with Cara. She knew to herself she was also to blame for keeping the bracelet, her breathing became uneven as Selena was driving the SUV like a mad person. Ariana was sitting in the front still injured but insisted on helping in any way that she can.

"Selena, you have to bring me along." Lauren said with determination sparking in her bright green eyes, balling her fist unable to contain her anger inside towards herself for letting her wife go. She had to make things right and needed to save her wife no matter what happens. "You can't it'll get messy"

The Latina was grabbing an AK-47 rifle and a magnum with magazines for both guns, she just needed two guns to get to her partner. She was fine with going alone since she wanted Ariana and Hailee to protect the girls. "Hailee, I need you to come along to hijack the system" The brunette just nodded and grabbed a handgun, sliding it to the back of her pants. "Selena! You have to bring me along! My wife is in this shit because of me. I will not be a helpless wife and wait for her just to guess if she'll come back alive or not!"

"Gotta hand it to (Y/N). I can see why she loves you so much." The Italian brunette said with a grin and Selena couldn't help but smile at what she just said. Hailee finished tapping so many keys on her laptop, cursing under her breath and she looked at the back checking on Camila who as holding an unconscious Ally. "Boss, I think we should get Ms. Cabello and Ms. Hernandez somewhere safe where they don't have to get involved?"

"Fine, I know someone who can help us out." Selena pushed the gas harder, overtaking so many cars and stopping soon enough when she arrived at the place. Hailee got off to help the girls get at the front of the house, she was surprised to see a woman answer the door. The taller woman squinted her eyes seeing her dear friend at the front seat after rolling her window down, she didn't asked any questions but let Camila and an unconscious Ally in her house. "Who's that?" The green eyed beauty rasped out as soon as Hailee jogged back to get in the car.

"An old friend." She said and started to drive away as fast as she could. Lauren was holding onto her seat for dear life wanting to reach her wife in one piece and not getting into any some sort of accident The car getting closer to their destination. The Italian brunette used her side mirror from the front, seeing the black Cadillac that was following them a few feet away. "We got a boogey on our 6, Gomez."

Selena stepped on the gas, her hands quickly turning the wheel to use other cars as a wall for the black Cadillac. She kept overtaking so many cars till she looked at her rear view mirror seeing the car was gone, Lauren had a high pitched scream when a bullet almost hit them from her side window. Ariana pulled out her hand gun and opened her window to shoot the driver. They couldn't make out who the driver was since they had a small crack of their side window opened, and a gun sticking out the window shooting them till they shot Ariana's gun out of her hands. "Fuck!" She hissed in pain from the burning sensation she just felt in her hands.

"Selena!" Lauren screamed when she saw Hailee get shot on her right arm when she took a bullet for Lauren using her free hand to apply pressure on her now bleeding arm. Selena turned the wheel so suddenly, trying to push off the black Cadillac and successfully did it after it popped a wheel at it left side. The raven haired panicked when the brown haired beauty was shot because of her and definitely made her feel bad seeing her bleed profusely. She looked at the back of the car and got the first aid kit for Hailee who closed her laptop.

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