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Third Person's POV

"Stop that, Lucy! She's already losing so much blood!" Veronica called out her dear friend whom she really cared for before all of this happened. Her eyes showing so much fear towards her dear friend who was continuously beating (Y/N) to death with her bare hands. Betrayal was one thing she didn't like to do but for only friend? She'd even exchange her own life just for Lucy's safety.

"Shut the fuck up, Vero!" Veronica's body jolted in fear seeing how much anger was in her friend's eyes when she turned to look at her.

"Lucy, the boss is calling for you." The brunette groan in annoyance, pulling away from the injured woman and listened to the intercom. "Fucking hate party killers." Lucy muttered as she stopped halfway from the door and her gaze meeting concerned eyed woman who was looking between her and the injured woman strapped down on the chair.

"Torture her for me, will you?" Finally leaving them alone.

Veronica walked up to the weak young woman, she uses her free hand to cup the injured woman's face. Fishing her handkerchief out of her pocket to wipe the fresh blood off her face but she moved her head back refusing to be touched. (Y/N) slowly looked up at the same warm brown eyes she once trusted, gritting her teeth in annoyance. She has already given up on trying to struggle but kept her mind running on keeping her wife safe from harm. "I didn't think you'd do this, (Y/N)."

"Seems like I'm still full of surprises for everyone then." She earned a soft laughter from her former friend who raked her fingers through her hair.

"Stop, (Y/N). Just give them the flash drive." (Y/N) shook her head from side to side weakly, feeling even more light headed than before. She spits out blood in her mouth to the side as she got the nasty metallic taste of blood out of her mouth. "They'll have to kill me for it."

"Luis might grant your wish but not Demi."

"That'd be a hell of a Christmas gift for me then." She said with a dark grin.

Meanwhile, Lauren and the others were in hiding for hours. Her gaze set upon at the bracelet Cara just handed to her. They were all in hiding in a rundown apartment at a secluded area. She kept herself away from the distressed companions who were practically tending towards the injured ones. The green eyed beauty had only blamed herself for letting this happen to the one she loves. "Lauren? We'll have to fall back."

"What!? And leave (Y/N) alone?"

"Lauren, we don't have a choice we need reinforcements!" Selena almost screamed at her good friend's wife. Everyone was quite astonished to even hear Lauren fight for (Y/N) as she was very clear at first how much she hated (Y/N) when they first got married. The pale Cuban stood her ground not caring if everyone in the very room was criticizing her for even standing up towards someone who was definitely used to having her way with people.

"Then you can all go. I'm staying and I'll find a way to help, (Y/N)."

"Lo, m-maybe we should listen to, Selena." Camila tried to butt in clearly nervous to even get in between the tension that was clearly getting out of hand. "No! I'm done running away and being helpless. (Y/N), saved me so many times and this is the only thing I get to do for her."

"Lauren-" Ariana started as she crossed her arms while resting her back against the wall. "Don't. Just leave if you all want. I'm staying and I'll figure out how to get (Y/N) out of there alive."

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