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Third person's POV

(Y/N) was already up and making the girls some breakfast to eat since it was 6 am and she was the only one awake. She wore her silk bathrobe instead as she only had undergarments underneath it and she had her hair in quite a mess since she barely put any effort on making her hair nice and neat when she was in the house.

She was hoping one of the girls were already awake but to her avail she only sees the dark-skinned beauty awake and was yawning while groggily walking in the kitchen to sit on the bar stool close to the counter. (Y/N) flashed a small smile at her even though she rarely showed her small smiles it also meant that she was warming up to them but not too much since she wasn't the type to get too attached and she poured a cup of hot coffee for Normani placing it in front for her to drink.

"It's hot. Be careful." (Y/N) warned and went back to cooking chocolate chip pancakes with her eyes focused on the pan. "I didn't know you'd wake up early."

"I kinda have to because of work." (Y/N) nodded not even bothering about knowing what her wife's friends do since she could just tell by their body language and hobbies. "Okay, do you want syrup on your plate of pancakes?"

(Y/N) served her a plate of pancakes and ignored the confused look on the dark-skinned woman's face. "You're really different from other girls." She said and she smiled then grabbed the maple syrup pouring just the right amount on her pancakes as she started to eat.

"What do you like about Lauren?"

(Y/N) blinked a couple of times and she leaned against the counter with her arms crossed right across from Normani then smiled a little. "She's a woman of her own words. She never backs down and will stand on what she believes in. She has her flaws but that's what made her a perfect example of a true woman."

"Mmm... You just described her like anyone would." (Y/N) shrugged not knowing how to really describe brunette since she always do base on what she sees but she couldn't let anyone get suspicious and she pushed her fingers through her messy hair making her look like one of those sexy half nude models on magazines.

"I described her like that because if I describe her now it might take a very long time to finish it since she's more than just a woman." (Y/N) said with a wink and Normani looked down at her food then started eating quietly feeling quite flushed and surprised to hear someone like her describe their wife like their the only one in their life.

"Mani! No fair! You got to eat (Y/N)'s cooking first?" The tall Polynesian said with a pout and (Y/N) placed a plate of pancakes beside Normani for Dinah to eat. "Don't worry, Dinah. There's plenty for everyone but it's not that good."


"Laur, did you really have to take it out on Mila?" The short woman asked the pale Cuban and she rolled her eyes later on. "It was her fault anyway and she did struck a nerve when she told me I should sit beside my wife!"

"She was asking. She wasn't even forcing you to sit beside (Y/N). She's a good person why can't you give her a chance?" Ally said with an annoyed look on her face and walked off to get by the office only to be stopped by a gorgeous woman who was pretty much giddy and all happy.

"Oh, hi, Lauren!" The girl said while flashing her pearly white teeth at her and the green eyed beauty found it quite odd why the spoiled princess was obnoxiously happy. "Why are you happy?"

"Oh, nothing! My ship is back in action." She said weirdly then walked off as Lauren gave her a weird look then hears voices behind a door by the lounge and she pushed the door carefully not making a sound only to freeze right in the spot when she sees it was (Y/N) with a familiar brunette.

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