chapter 19 :: You don't need me, Justin. It's hard already for both of us."

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Justin's Point Of View;

Justin, you're one of the best people I've known my entire life,” Danny's spoke in a warm, reassuring tone. She was holding my hand on the table and intertwining my fingers with hers. I looked at her through my glasses, I released an appreciative sigh, feeling my all-time-low self esteem increase.

She smiled heartily at me. “You're genuine, you're crazy, and a bit irresponsible but it doesn't matter to me. Ever since I saw you, I fell in love with your personality and––just everything! I love you, Justin, you have a special place in my heart but we can't stay like this anymore.”

I watched her intensely as she slid her engagement ring from her finger slowly, it was painful to watch her. She opened my balled fist and placed the ring delicately in there, closing my fingers on it securely. My breathe was stuck in my nose, I pulled my arms to my sides.

I will always love you Jay.” She announced, a look of sympathy on her face. Feeling the tears blur my vision, I removed my glasses and dropped them on the table to rub my eyes clean from the tears.

I love you too.” I probably sounded like a girl sobbing, but I could feel my heart shattering inside my chest. I expected her to take me back since everything between us were going so smooth and great.

I'm sorry––”

Taking two hundred dollars bill from my wallet, I placed them on the table and stood up. “I understand.” I exclaimed, my voice cracking from the need to cry. I stormed toward the door–– feeling everyone's gaze on me––and straight ran up to Laney's car that she let me borrow.

That memory kept replaying itself in my head, causing my eyes to tear up every five second. I cried my eyes out in the car while driving home, my voice was nearly gone.

Cara's sleepy figure was still on my chest, she has been asleep for two hours and I appreciated moments like this. Her little thumb was popped in her tiny mouth, the rising of my chest as I breathed was relaxing her––like, a lot. I liked how felt completely secure and content on my chest, I wouldn't miss a minute of watching her peacefully.

While I was admiring her adorable feature, I saw her suddenly move on my chest. Placing my arm around her so she wouldn't fall, I kept patting her back so she would fall back asleep, but she didn't.

“Baby, don't torture me okay?” I pleaded, displaying a wide grin on my face. Cara started murmuring incoherent wordsand giggled like always. She reached one arm to touch my face. Her favorite toy to play with? My face. “Oh Gosh.” I shut my right eye as soon as she reached for it.

I made her slide off my body to the couch so she was stuck between me and the back of the couch. Cara started rocking herself back and forth, mumbling words that I couldn't understand. The only two real words she has said so far were 'dada' and'nana' which what my mom wanted Cara to call her.

I lifted Cara above my head so I could sniffle her diaper and I immediately regretted it. “You're a one stinky baby.” I joked humorously. As soon as I let her down on the floor to get up and stretch my body, she quickly crawled out of my way to her toys. No one could deny that she was one hella of an energetic baby.

Due to forgetting my damn glasses in the restaurant, I could barely see anything. I could not spot Laney anywhere in the living room, I guessed that she was either sleeping or in the restroom and I hoped it would be the second guess.

Lifting Cara into my arms, I took her toys away from her and threw them on the ground. She started whining but the minute I started moving toward the door, her whines turned into fits of giggles. I saw the door that led to Laney's restroom ajar, thankfully, and I knocked on it to receive a scream that came from inside.

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