chapter 27 :: "You're my favorite person right now."

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Laney's Point Of View;

I woke with a jolt from my deep slumber, I was falling down on the stairs in a dream and it felt so real. I sat upright and rested my head against the headboard. My head tiredly moved to the right, finding an empty space next to me on the bed. I wondered where Justin was since it was already 8am and he never left the living room.

Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I threw my legs to the side and touched the cold hardwood floor. I pushed myself up and strolled to the bathroom. After stripping my clothes and jumping into the shower, I brushed my teeth and just as I was about to shampoo my hair, I heard Cara crying. A frustrated sigh escaped my lips, I didn't know whether it was just a phase or Cara wanted attention most of the time but she has been crying a lot.

I wrapped the beige towel around my torso and tucked it under my underarms. Without even combing my hair, I made my way to the living room and immediately spotted Cara laying on the carpet in tears. It seemed like Justin improved his parenting skill a lot since I met him, I decided not to judge him and push his buttons.

“Justin...” I cooed softly, he was casually slouched on the couch with his laptop on his lap. Two plastic cups of coffees were sitting next to him on the couch and I cringed, they could drip on his couch and stain it. Realizing that he was careless about the situation, I decided to drop it. “You haven't slept last night.” I whispered, it was more of a statement than to a question.

He nodded, confirming my statement. “I'm dead.” His eyes went back on his laptop. “I got yelled at by my boss for not finishing my work and he wants it done today.” He added, he seemed like he was pissed off. “I think Cara's sick.” He lastly said with a yawn.

I plopped down on the couch next to him. “What do you mean sick?”

“She's coughing a lot and crying, I wonder if her throat is hurting.” He turned his head to Cara who has calmed down on her own. “I'm dead.” He repeated again but this time he dropped his head on my shoulder and kept moving until he was comfortable.

“I wish I could help you with your work.” I genuinely told him. “I'm going out to get breakfast, can I drive your car?”

A hoarse chuckle emitted from his mouth “You're so not helping.” He pecked my lips. “I think I left the car keys on the kitchen counter. Try not to scratch the car or anything because my mom will kill me this time, for real.

I nodded. “Bye Justin.”

Almost an hour and a half later on my way back to Justin's apartment, I received a not so nice text from him which said that his mom was surprisingly visiting him and he was struggling not to flip out. He was sending texts every single minute to hurry me up. Once I made it home, I already dreaded going inside when I heard yelling coming from the apartment. I awkwardly stepped in and both of Justin and his mom's eyes were focused on me.

“Hello...” I whispered, shutting the door after me. I dropped all the plastic bags I had in my hands and made my way to his mom. “It's nice to meet you again.” I softly smiled at her and plopped next to a fuming Justin.

“You too Laney.” She eyed me for a mere second before her attention was turned to Justin again. “Are you ever going to pay your bills on time Justin?” Oh, she's scolding him and completely ignoring me. “Are you ever going to grow up and become a man?”

Carelessly, Justin kept his eyes on his laptop. “Nope.”

Justin's mom breathed loudly, she looked like she wanted to strangle him. “How's your job?” She changed the subject, causing Justin to roll his eyes. An awkward silence filled the air and just as I was about to stand up, Justin grabbed my hand and forced me continue sitting down.

“It's fine.”

“Can you pay attention for five minutes Justin? Gosh, why is your daughter sleeping on the ground?” Her eyes darted to Cara in anger. “Danny's going to London this weekend and she wants to take Cara.”

I felt Justin tense next to me, he closed his lap shut and stared at his mom. “No.” He told his mom sternly. “No one is fucking taking her.” He added.

“She's her mother––” Justin cut her off instantly.

“Mom––just leave.” He pointed to the door, I could hear his nosy breathing get louder.

His mom gave him one last look before she got up to her feet. She left without saying another word to him, a disappointed expression on her face which I couldn't blame her for. After she left, I eyed Justin in silence and he looked back at me in confusion.

“That was rude.” I stated, crossing my arms on my chest.

“Geez thanks.” He reopened his laptop. “She's only here to take Cara so don't tell me I’m the rude one.” He protested, sighing after.

“Justin, I think she's trying to be affectionate to you but you make it hard for her. She's your mom,” I spoke in a warm tone but only got a groan in return from him.

“She doesn't treat Oliver the way she treats me babe. If she doesn't me, well, the feeling is mutual.” He looked at me again, a challenging look on his face. “You even say that she's intimidating! Can you imagine her being your mom?”

I was dumbfounded for an instant; I couldn't even imagine her being my mom. “No.” I whispered truthfully, starting to feel bad for calling him rude. “Isn't Oliver a guy's name?” I changed the subject.

Justin giggled. “My parents were probably drunk when they named her, I’m very thankful that I don't have a girl's name.” He paused, his eyes narrowing to Cara once she steered in her sleep. “She's going to wake up and cry all day long again.”

I rolled my eyes. “She's a baby, the baby's only job is to cry.” I made my way over to Cara who already started crying, I lifted her up into my arms. “Awhh.” I aw'd when she sleepily placed her head on my shoulder and plopped her thumb finger in her mouth.

While I was busy squeezing Cara, I didn't notice that Justin stood up until he sneaked his arms around my waist and hugged me tightly from the back.

“You're my favorite person right now.” He whispered sexily in my ears, kissing the back of my neck afterward. “I, uh, decided to stop drinking but I’m going to need a better distraction.”

I froze in my place for a second dumbfounded then turned to face him. He was biting his lips and wiggling his eyebrows. Cara reached her arms for him, he took her from me and kissed her little nose. Her set her in front of the baby walker toy he got for her.

“Cara stand up.” Justin held Cara by her waist to support her little body and help her stand up. “I think she's too young to walk.” He commented when she refused to stand up and instead she crawled to her toys. He gave up after less than 2 minutes and plopped on the couch with his legs on the coffee table next to me.

“I'm fucking horny Laney.” My breathing hitched in my throat and my eyes widened at him swearing. I carefully looked at him, his eyes were half shut.

“Sleep Justin.” I giggled, knowing he was just joking.

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