chapter 32 :: "And oh, the whole house heard us."

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Laney's Point Of View;

“Oh Laney.” Justin stretched his arms, dragging himself out of the bathroom after he took a quick shower. It was only 11:30am and I was feeling very tired, considering I nearly slept after picking Justin up from the hospital around six am. Justin let the towel fall on the floor, completely exposing himself, then he dressed himself again. I had already taken a shower before him and was dressed in his shirt and sweats.

“Uhm, I will go get Cara.” He stated, putting his shirt on. “Stay here and don't move.” He pointed his finger at me and I nodded, smiling back at him.

Justin came back later with Cara and a plastic bag. He set a very hyped Cara on the bed after she wiggled out of his grip and set the plastic bag on the floor. Cara's tongue was sticking out and she was looking at me playfully. Justin took a triangular little box out of the bag and laid down next to me.

“What is this?” I asked, my eyebrows furrowing in curiosity.

Justin's eyes met mine for an instant. “Hush.” He shh'ed me, trying to open the box.

I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to Cara whose eyes never left me. I reached my arms and Cara smiled, crawling quickly to me. I aw'ed at her quick response, she was getting smarter. I scooped her up and kissed her nose.

“She's going to be smart when she grows up.” I commented, letting her free again. Handling her my iPhone, I left her to occupy herself with it and turned my attention back to Justin. He was biting into a chocolate cake and chewing on it, ignoring the fact that I was staring at him and giggling. Cara's eyes flicked to him and she reached her hands to grab the cake but Justin pushed her gently with his leg and took another big bite.

“It's not yours.” He stated to Cara, his face all serious.

I giggled even more and laid my head on his chest. I grabbed a little piece of his cake and gave it to Cara who seemed excited to stuff it in her mouth. After swallowing the little piece I gave her, she looked back at Justin.

“I haven't really eaten anything in the hospital.” Justin laid his head on top of mine and handed the piece of cake to Cara. We both knew it was going to end up all over the bed and we would have to clean it later. “And oh, the whole house heard us.”

My eyes widened. “Are you serious?”

“Yeah baby.” He stroked my arms up and down. “I don't know why but I always tend to get in trouble after having sex, it's a curse I swear.” He groaned, I felt my face flush, how am I ever going to face my mom again?

“Mhm.” I shut my eyes closed. “I love you.” I snuggled tighter into him.

“I love you too Laney.” He kissed the top of my head and intertwined his fingers with mine. “I never thought I would find someone who would love me andCara. I admire you and the way you treat Cara, you're like a mom to her, you know that?”

I laughed, my face heating up even more after his compliments. “I sort of hated you when I first saw you,” I admitted. “Then I started to feel sorry for you, you seemed so miserable––”

“Is this 'bash Justin time'?”

I nodded my head. “Yep.” I stuck my tongue at him. “After spending a couple of months of studying you, I recently found out that you actually do care about everything but you pretend that you don't.” I explained to him my theory of figuring him out. “Am I right?”

“No.” He replied firmly, pulling Cara on his lap.

“I am, you just won't admit it.” I poked his chest. “No matter what, Justin, you will always be a good person deep inside. I love you and I care a lot about you and Cara so much.”

“I still want you to show something that I've always wanted to finish but never did.” He changed the subject. “It's two hours drive and I will leave Cara with your family when we decide to go. Just tell me when you're free to go and I will take you.”

Nodding, a tired yawn emitted from my lips. I heard Justin's raspy chuckle and he threw the blanket on the three of us. I closed my eyes as a feeling exhaustion ran through my body.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2014 ⏰

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