chapter 23 :: "Do you guys need a condom?"

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Laney’s Point Of View;

I twiddled my fingers nervously, my eyes were focused on Justin who was swimming in the lake. I felt as if he was a hopeless case, it seemed like he won’t stop drinking unless he gets professional help, which wasn’t really an option. I was up all nightjust thinking about him, I wanted to help him and at the same time, I somehow figured out he doesn’t like me helping him or even speaking about his problems.

I ignored him the other night and he didn’t even care to speak to me. I had all the anger boiling inside of me, I needed to yell and get all my bottled emotions out.

Furiously, I drew my curtains shut and put on my jeans and a crop top to go downstairs. After reaching the back door, I stepped out into the hot breeze and the smell of wet grass. My eyes bulged out of their sockets when I saw a frog hiding in the grass, causing me to slowly walk away from it so it wouldn’t touch my leg.

Once I reached the lake, Justin stopped swimming and he made an effort to smile at me, but frowned once I shook my head. I ran my tongue over my teeth, I waited for him to speak but he didn’t mutter a word, angering me even more.

“Are you going to say anything?” I asked sternly, sitting Indian style on the wet grass.

He shook his head. “I don’t feel like talking.” He squinted his eyes at me. “Besides, even if I apologize to you, you will get mad anyway.”

I felt a knot in my throat. “You’re a douche bag Justin.” I muttered, squeezing my eyes shut. “No matter what I do to you, you are always rude. I thought you liked me.” Tears glistened in my eyes as I stared at him. I knew this conversation was going to end badly and I will end up going to my mom’s anyways.

“Nooooooo.” I pushed myself away from him, I had a feeling that this was going to end up with me crying. I heard the water move and his wet hand touched my leg. “Laney, don’t cry.” He cooed in the same tone when he speaks to Cara.

“I’m going to my mom’s.” I announced, wiping my eyes with my arms.

“Nope, you’re not.” He splashed water on me the minute I stood up. “Laneyyyy.” He dragged out the ‘y’, splashing more water on me.

“Stop Justin.” I shook my head, debating whether to give in and talk to him or just go to my mom’s house.

I heard his giggle. “I swear I will throw the next fish that I see on you.” He threatened, I quickly turned around and cringed.

“There are fishes?” I scrunched my face, I was grossed out by him.

“Yeah.” Justin rasped quietly. “Small ones though.” He added, he placed both of his arms on the grass while his whole body was still in the water. “I didn’t mean to upset you.” He looked away.

“Well you did.”

He wrinkled his forehead. “I get defensive whenever someone talks about my personal problems, I can’t help it.” He muttered lowly, staring at the grass. “Even if you talk about it, it just won’t go away.” He shrugged.

“Why? Cara’s going to be one in a couple of months and you still can’t live alone with her. I sometimes don’t trust you when you’re alone with her.” I admitted.

“I’ve been drinking like this since I was 13, you want me to magically stop?” He stated, a bitter laugh escaped his lips. “Addiction runs in the family.”

Shocked was an understatement for what I was feeling. “That’s so young.”

“Yeah.” He agreed, clearing his throat after. “I chose to live with my  dad instead of my mom when they got separated. He drank heavily and I wondered why so I sneaked into the cellar where he kept everything and started drinking as well. He found out and didn’t stop me.” Justin explained to me, his voice was so quiet I could barely hear. “He died because of drugs though, I’m not following his footsteps.”

“I’m sorry you had to go through this.” I looked down, feeling extremely sorry for him. “You should learn from his mistakes though.”

Justin shrugged. “I’m being more careful than him.” He pulled himself more from the water. “Are you still angry?” He asked, getting closer to me.


Another splash of water was thrown on me. “Kinda doesn’t answer it.” His eyes darted towards me again. “Why don’t you jump in the water and enjoy the fishies that are currently biting my legs off?” He joked, offering a hand. “Laneyyyyy.” He dragged out the ‘y’ again, I felt my heart flutter at the way he was speaking to me.

“The fishes are really biting you?” Carefully, I slipped my legs in the water. “The water is dirty.” I complained, the water was practically green. “Justin I’m not wearing a swimsuit.”

“Neither am I.” My eyes widened at his reply, his cheeks tinted a pink color when he saw my reaction.

After I pushed myself in the water, my feet immediately touched the bottom thankfully. I was fully clothed because I wouldn’t want any fish get closer to me. While I was in my own world thinking about what might be swimming around me, Justin let out an impatient huff.

“I swam basically every day in this lake when I was young and nothing happened to me...” Justin dragged out boringly, waiting for me to settle and feel safe. “Wrap your legs around me if you don’t want to touch the bottom.” He suggested innocently.

I nodded and swam to him. I wrapped my legs around him and hugged him to not touch the bottom of the lake. After I calmed down and breathed slowly, I pulled my head back to look at him. His personality would change 180 degrees when he’s sober. I wanted him to stay like this forever and like he said, to ‘magically stop drinking’ not for only his sake, but for Cara’s sake also.

“Stop thinking.” I felt his lips brush against mine. “What are you thinking about?” He whispered against my lips, his breath soft and smelled like cupcakes.

“About you--” I admitted. My breathing hitched when he gently trailed kisses along the side of my mouth. He continued to suck on a spot on my neck, my body shivered in pleasure until he dramatically stopped.

“Do you guys need a condom?” Both of our heads whipped to the voice that belonged to Oliver. “We don’t want another mini Bieber running around, do we?” Jokingly, she laughed humorly at her own jokes.

“Cara can’t even stand up.” Justin scrunched his face at her. “Oliver I hate you.”

“Nobody told you to love me bro.” She stated, laying on the grass while leaning on her elbows. “The weather is so nice today.”

“I will literally kill you.” Justin warned, shooting her a death glare.

An annoyed huff escaped her lips before she stood up and walked away. Justin let out an appreciative sigh, his attention was on me again. I unwrapped my legs from around him and decided to stand up on my own.

“I want you to stop drinking.” I said, straight to the point. “I will do anything Justin.” I said bravely.

He smiled weakly at me. “Baby...” He paused, looking away. “I can try, just for you.” He bit his lips. “I need a distraction and an alternative for it, I have alcohol dependence and I can’t go cold turkey on it.”

I nodded. “But you will try, right?” I asked in hopefulness.


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