chapter 6 :: "He's on a 72 hours hold, you will have plenty of time to visit."

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Laney's Point Of View;

After I called 911 for help, I kept screaming for Justin to unlock the door from outside. He had taken the keys to keep me in, and I thought for a second I would be stuck forever if I didn't have my phone on me. That would have been a disaster, not just for me, but for Justin also. He obviously wasn't in his right mind.

When the paramedics came, they had to break our front door to get it. Justin was more important so they had to take him first to the ambulance then one of them broke my bedroom door. When I was out, they had already taken Justin to the ambulance and it was on the way to the hospital. I wasn't related to him in any sort of way, they wouldn't allow me to be with him anyways.

I stayed hours and hours in my place on the couch, just frozen and numb. My mind couldn't register what happened, my damn roommate attempted suicide, I wasn't even sure if they were able to save him or not. I prayed to God and hoped deep inside that he would because, even though he had a lot of problems, he was a good person.

At 10:30PM, an elegantly dressed woman knocked on the already broken front door and let herself in. She was a short petite woman that looked middle aged, she was wearing a 6 inch heels that made a clicking nose against the hardwood floor when she walked inside. She had a little bag in her hand that didn't look it was hers, a cup of Starbucks coffee and her phone.

“Hello?” I tilted my head to the side, my brows drawing together. I was wondering who the heck this woman was.

The mysterious woman gave me a half grin. “Mallette, Pattie Mallette.” She introduced herself, confusing me even more. “Justin's mother.”

I was taken back when she said she was Justin's mom. This was Justin's mother? They looked slightly alike, but the way she was dressed and her attitude was completely different. She was like the posh-kind of moms, I could judge her from the way she talked.

“Oh,” I stammered, my glance darting around. “Justin's not here. He, uh, he––” I was interrupted by her ring tone. Raising a finger up to make me stop talking, she slid her finger on her iPhone 5 and placed it on her ear.

“Yes, I’m here.” She spoke in a rushed tone, dropping the bag on the floor. “Did the procedure go well? Is he awake yet” She paused before replying. “I'm getting his stuff right now, I will drop them off and come back tomorrow.” She said 'bye' to the person that was on the other line then hung up.

“Is he okay?” Concerned, I asked shyly, my hands rubbing against my thighs with nervousness.

She took a quick, hurried walk to Cara's room while murmuring a 'yes'. I guess she was pissed off by the look on her face and worried at the same time. was worried, even though I’m his roommate and only known him for less than a month. I heard Pattie's ring tone again and she started yelling on the phone, saying stuff like 'how come?!' and 'let them do whatever, I will be there'. After she stayed in Cara's room for 15 minutes, she came out with the same bag but this time it was full.

“Do you know where he keeps his personal stuff?” Pattie questioned, her hands on her hips as she waited for my answer.

“Bathroom, I think.” I replied, too intimated by this woman. “Can I, like v-visit him tomorrow morning if you don't mind?” I asked, swallowing excessivly.

“Yes, you may.” She replied coldly. “He's on a 72 hours hold, you will have plenty of time to visit.” Pattie announced, her voice dripping with sarcasm.


The following morning, I straight went into Starbucks to get my coffee because I didn't even have a minute of sleep. Not just because I was overwhelmed with everything that has happened, but because the front door was broken and the repairman that Pattie called was coming at 7AM this morning. I left the minute he got there, Pattie said she trusted him and I don't have to stay in the apartment while he fixes the doors.

I disliked everything about hospitals, they made me sick to my stomach. I couldn't imagine staying there overnight and sleeping alone, in the creepy hospital. But when I first entered the reception, I was amazed by how the hospital looked. It was so fancy that it looked like a hotel's lobby. The doctors even that walked around looked neat, female doctors were even in their high heels.

The smell was the only thing that was common, it was like the antiseptics wipes. The lights were too bright for my eyes that I wondered how would it feel like to wake up to them. I made my way over to the front desk where a ton of workers sat behind computers doing their jobs.

“How can I help you?” A black haired man asked, his eyes not moving from the computer.

“I want to visit Justin Bieber, he was admitted here yesterday.” I exclaimed, my fingers drumming against the marble counter.

“He isn't supposed to have any visitors until twelve,” he explained to me, maintaining the eye contact. “You can wait in one of our waiting rooms until then.”

With a nod, I replied. “Thank you.” Looking at my watch, it was 10:15AM, I would have to wait and hour and 45 minutes to visit him.

I brought a fancy box of chocolate with me because, it would be embarrassing to go inside his room empty handed. I knew he wouldn't care anyways because he's Justin, my roommate,but still, I had some manners. The hour and 45 minutes passed quickly, I stayed in a cafe near by and the time flew. I returned back walking and asked the same man if it was okay now to go to Justin. He gave me the room number and what saddened me was, he was on the mental ward floor.

After a few knocks on his door, I twisted the shiny door knob and pushed it open. I retreated inward, the hospital smell turning my stomach. I stepped inside the room and shut the door gently after me. I could hear a woman talking, which I guessed was Pattie because of her unique voice.

“Can I come in?” I asked, I was standing in this small hallway and there were two doors in front of me. One was agape and the other was closed, the voice was coming from the agape one. I heard footsteps approach me and Pattie appeared in the doorway.

“Oh, yes.” She gestured with her hands to come in, I stepped inside nervously and watched as she sat down on the pullout couch, then she placed the laptop on her lap. My eyes narrowed to the bed, where Justin sat, leaning forward. He had a pillow on his lap and he had his face stuffed in it. He was in a very weird, uncomfortable position. His hand was messing the ends of his hair.

“I brought this.” I said, mainly to Pattie as I set the box that I got on the table.

“Thank you.” She replied with a warm smile. “Honey, your roommate is here.” She didn't acknowledge my name, oh well. “Honey!”

He lifted his head up from the pillow to give his mom a death glare, then gave me a death glare making me feel guilty. Justin then stuffed his face back in the fluffy pillow, not caring if I was here or not.

“I c-can go if he doesn't want me here.” My eyes darted between Justin and Pattie, then settled on Justin who shook his head while still stuffed in the pillow. He let out a violent cough after, it sounded pretty painful.

Pattie's phone rang again, making her excuse herself and walk out of the room. I stayed silent a few seconds before deciding to speak. I was a little shy because of his mom but now I was alone with him.

“What you did, it wasn't right.” I started, touching the cold metal railing on the side of his bed. “You could have spoken to someone instead, you could have spoken to me. You took the worst choice, Justin, what the hell were you thinking?”

Surprisingly, he lifted his face from the pillow. “I will never see my daughter again, that's what I was thinking.”

“Can't you talk to her mom and fix this problem instead, I’m sure she will understand.” I reasoned, hoping to knock some sense into him. “Please talk to me?” I pleaded when he didn't reply. “Will you let me help you?” Shockingly, he nodded into his pillow, his body shook with sobs. He was over-emotional for a guy, but he just attempted suicide and maybe that was sending him over the edge.

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