chapter 25 :: "What am I gonna do with you?"

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Laney's Point Of View;

The gentle sound of the rain plonking as it collided with the window was soothing me. Hot chocolate clutched in hand, my eyes scanned the words in the book I was reading; 'The Fault In Our Stars'. I was able to finish it in three days when I first got it and this was my second time reading it. Other than the soothing sound of the rain, I could hear Justin sipping loudly his beer using a straw.

It was my genius idea, I told him to use a straw so he can drink more slowly his beers. It was his 8th one, and considering that it was 8:30 PM, I was feeling proud of him. After nearly two weeks of survival without his glasses, he finally bought a new one that matched him even better.

“I hate that movie.” I commented in disgust when I noticed what he was watching 'Saw IV' and he looked very entertained by it.

Instead of replying, he continued sipping loudly, his eyes looking at me challengingly. He was sipping on his beer as if it would disappear if he didn't drink it fast. Even though I liked the idea of him using a straw, the sound he was making was causing me to cringe. Cara on the other side was highly entertained by him; she was next to him on the couch giggling for absolutely no reason.

After he was finished with his beer, I heard him moan in satisfaction and after stretching his body, he lazily plopped down again on the couch. I rolled my eyes with a snort, he was so lazy sometimes. I watched as he placed Cara on the carpeted floor so she could be more free.

Placing his feet on the coffee table, I heard him sigh. “I'm so hammered right now.” He said with a slur, worrying me.

“I thought the straw was a good idea?”

He shook his head. “Nope.” He smirked.

“Are you really drunk or are you just joking?” My eyebrow raised as I popped the question.

“I'm hammered Laney.” He exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. A sad sigh escaped my lips, I felt as if he wasn't going to really get better without going to rehab without wasn't an option. I shut my eyes closed firmly, I was holding myself back from yelling at him.


My eyes snapped open when I felt a weight being thrown on me. I felt my legs being crushed under him, I didn't imagine that he would be that heavy. He was just sitting on my lap with his back against me, I tried pushing him but he was glued to me, and after a multiple tries, I gave up. I instead sneaked my arms around his torso and hugged him. He dropped himself suddenly next to me on the couch and sat upright, he handed me his glasses and kept rubbing his eyes for a good 5 minutes until I asked him to stop doing that.

“Are you okay?” I chocked out, he was acting too weird for a drunk person.

“Fine, fine.” He stammered, he could barely keep his head up from falling to his side. “C––Cara... bedtime.” He pointed to her drunkenly.

“Does she need anything before I take her to bed?” I asked, mentally rolling my eyes at myself. He clearly wouldn't answer me in this state, and he obviously didn't.

I scooped Cara from the floor and took all the toys that she loved with me. I walked to her nursery and put all her plush toys in her crib. I had no idea how to make her fall asleep since I never took her to sleep except that one time when she woke up in the middle of the night, but she was already sleepy that time. She was as energetic as she can be and I doubted she would fall asleep.

“Do you want me to tell you a bedtime story?” I coed, placing her in her crib. I received the normal response from her, which was 'dadada', Justin and I figured out that it was the only word that she can say so far and that's why she says it a lot. Cara held onto the bars of the crib and started rocking herself back and forth, forcing me to scoop her again in my arms.

“Shhhh.” I whispered, squatting up and down to relax her.

Luckily, she fell asleep half an hour due to me pacing around the room. It was almost 9:30 and I was starting to get sleepy as well. I strode to the living room to collide with Justin's body, causing him to lose balance and fall on the floor.

“What the heck?” I cocked my head to the side. Realizing what was going on, my eyes widened at the puke that made Justin slip and fall. The smell of the living room reeked of beer and because of the sight of puke, I wanted to throw up as well.

“What am I gonna do with you?” I said with a sigh, he just looked up at me from the floor. I held my breath and helped him up. His shirt and a part of his pants were soaked with puke, I felt extremely disgusted by the smell. Leaning on my shoulder, we walked together until we reached my bedroom.

“Sit here.” I demanded, pointing to the edge of the bed. “Where do you keep your clothes Justin?” No reply. Seeing that he could barely keep his eyes open, I pushed him down on the bed. He instantly relaxed on the soft material of the sheets and a content sigh left his lips.

I groaned out of frustration after I realized I couldn't let him sleep while his shirt was covered in puke. Other than that he would be disgusted when he wakes up, he would also stain my bed.

“Since when does this happen to you? I thought you were a professional drinker Justin.” I commented, sliding his shirt over his head. “Please tell me you're wearing something underneath.” I exclaimed holding the hem of his pants. Lifting it, I saw his black boxer that he was wearing underneath. I mumbled a 'thank god' and slid his pants off as well.

I tucked him in, it was hard since he wasn't co-operative at all with me. Saying he was in deep sleep would be an understatement, I suspected that he had passed out for a few minutes but when I saw his fingers wiggling, I was sure that he wasn't passed out.

I walked out of the bedroom and shut the door quietly behind me. I poured my hot chocolate in the sink since it was now cold and decided I would wash the dishes before going to sleep. There were a few plates and cups, it took me less than another half an hour to wash.

Exhausted, I walked back to the bedroom to find Justin awake. I slid next to him under the covers and his arms immediately went around me so we could be in a spooning position. Right before I fell asleep, I heard him whisper 'sorry' to me multiple times.

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