chapter 30 :: "Don't believe every word he says."

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Laney's Point Of View;

“Holy shit, holy shit.” I continuously mumbled to myself after seeing Justin's mom walking inside the elevator. I tried to hide myself as much as possible, I wouldn't need her to scold me as well. Cara was being held by me and surprisingly, she was calm and happy.

I took the stairs instead of the elevator since I didn't want to meet Justin's mom right now. It was still day one in the hospital and since he was going to stay for another 24 hours for monitoring, I had to eat lunch and come back to entertain him since we were both bored out of our minds. Cara was doing so much better after they treated her and I was hoping Justin would be the same.

Once I reached Justin's private room, I quickly jumped inside and closed the door after me with a sigh. I might be over exaggerating but I would break down if his mom scolded me and blamed me for anything. Justin was crossed legged on the bed with a pillow on his lap.

“Oh my gosh baby.” His eyes lit up when he spotted Cara as he was seeing her for the first time since the other day. “Why have you taken so long?” He questioned, reaching his arms for Cara but she turned her head away and stuffed it in my shoulder cutely.

“That's so adorable, she looks shy.” I gushed at her cuteness. I sat down on the edge of the bed, next to him and placed Cara in the space between us. A few noises came out of mouth as she stared at Justin.

“Did she forget how I look like or something?” Justin asked with a raise of his brow. He scooped her up and sat her down on the pillow on his lap.

“Your mom's outside.” I said causing Justin to gasp and stare at me with wide eyes.

“Oh shit.” He rolled his eyes. “I told them I want no visitors though, she will not be allowed to come inside my room.”

I was relived on the inside but on the outside, I frowned. “She might be worried though.”

“Can you get me more ice chips please?” Justin asked, a pout forming on his face.

I frowned. “You still can't keep anything down?” Asking, I stood up to get him more ice chips.

“Yeah.” Justin tugged his hair. “Try to avoid meeting my mom.”


After I got his ice chip, I was about to leave the cafeteria area but sadly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I whispered damn to myself, I should have just asked a nurse to get him his ice chips. I slowly turned around until I saw Justin's mom face to face. I haven't talked to her alone ever since Justin attempted suicide and it wasn't very nice either.

“Hello Laney.” She said politely and yet, I found it very intimidating. “Justin's in this hospital right?”

“Yes he is.” I replied uneasily, my arms plastered to my sides.

“Have you visited him yet?”

I nodded too quickly. “Yes but he's tired and I thought I would leave him to rest.” Lies, every single thing that came out of my mouth was a lie.

“Oh, I will wait with you then.” She cocked her head then shook it. “Let's go somewhere where we can sit and talk.”

Oh no, oh gosh no. This was probably one of my worst nightmares. I had no idea if she knew we were dating or not and I also didn't know everything that Justin kept away from her. She was probably going to ask me questions. She decided we would go to Costa Coffee and after ordering our drinks, we sat down across from each other.

“I actually came here to discuss something with you.” She started the conversation. “This isn't Justin's first alcohol poisoning.”

“Yeah I know.” I exclaimed, remembering when he told me about his first alcohol poisoning in college.

“Drinking is something that he takes lightly, he's a duplicate of his father and I pray that he won't end up dead as well.” The word dead sent chills down my spine immediately. “I know you're with him most of the time since you're his roommate and you know what's going on in his life––”

I cut her off. “We're dating actually.” I corrected uneasily.

“I'm not trying to ruin your relationship with Justin but I don't think he really cares about anyone but himself. He did it to me, he won't hesitate to turn on anyone else.” There was a pause before she continued. “Justin was only thirteen when his father and I decided to separate but we didn't divorce each other. He had a loft in New York and was going to move there and leave the kids with me. Justin decided to turn on me and go live with his dad even though he knew Jeremy's addictions.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat and let her continue. “I never mistreated him, I loved him and Oliver to death yet, he chose to go with his addicted father and live in the small loft. Justin just turns on people for no reason, it's just the way he's.”

I carefully wiped my eyes, trying not to smear my mascara. “I trust him.” I stated in a weak voice. Justin never seemed the way his mom was describing him but she's his own mom, I believed her for everything she said but people change and Justin probably changed as well.

“Like you trusted him when he told you he will stop drinking? Look where he is now.” She sipped on her drink. “Don't believe every word he says.”

Our conversation ended with me shedding a few tears. What if everything she was warning me about was going to happen in the future? I kept thinking about his alcoholism, what if he overdosed again and never woke up. Scary thoughts were running in my mind as I made my way back to Justin's room.

I looked at the cup with melted ice chips inside, guess he won't be getting any now. 

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